xaizek / tos (License: GPLv3 only) (since 2018-12-07)
This is an alternative version of sources presented as part of Write Your Own OS video tutorial by Viktor Engelmann.
<root> / src / memorymanagement.cpp (01835d26862428312939d4ef415b73ef4b92d7bf) (2,878B) (mode 100644) [raw]
#include "memorymanagement.hpp"

#include <cstdint>

#include <new>

#include "assert.hpp"

struct MemoryManager::MemoryChunk
    MemoryChunk *next;
    MemoryChunk *prev;
    bool allocated;
    std::size_t size;
    std::uint8_t data[];

static MemoryManager *activeMemoryManager = nullptr;

MemoryManager::MemoryManager(void *area, std::size_t size)
    activeMemoryManager = this;

    if (size < sizeof(MemoryChunk)) {
        head = nullptr;

    head = new(area) MemoryChunk;

    head->allocated = false;
    head->prev = nullptr;
    head->next = nullptr;
    head->size = size - sizeof(MemoryChunk);

    if (activeMemoryManager == this) {
        activeMemoryManager = nullptr;

void *
MemoryManager::malloc(std::size_t size)
    MemoryChunk *result = nullptr;

    for (MemoryChunk *chunk = head; chunk != nullptr; chunk = chunk->next) {
        if (chunk->size >= size && !chunk->allocated) {
            result = chunk;

    if (result == nullptr) {
        return nullptr;

    if (result->size >= size + sizeof(MemoryChunk) + 1) {
        MemoryChunk *tail = new(result->data + size) MemoryChunk;

        tail->allocated = false;
        tail->size = result->size - size - sizeof(MemoryChunk);
        tail->prev = result;
        tail->next = result->next;
        if (tail->next != nullptr) {
            tail->next->prev = tail;

        result->size = size;
        result->next = tail;

    result->allocated = true;
    return result->data;

MemoryManager::free(void *ptr)
    MemoryChunk *chunk = static_cast<MemoryChunk *>(ptr) - 1;

    chunk->allocated = false;

    if (chunk->prev != nullptr && !chunk->prev->allocated) {
        chunk->prev->next = chunk->next;
        chunk->prev->size += chunk->size + sizeof(MemoryChunk);
        if (chunk->next != nullptr) {
            chunk->next->prev = chunk->prev;

        chunk = chunk->prev;

    if (chunk->next != nullptr && !chunk->next->allocated) {
        chunk->size += chunk->next->size + sizeof(MemoryChunk);
        chunk->next = chunk->next->next;
        if (chunk->next != nullptr) {
            chunk->next->prev = chunk;

void *
operator new(std::size_t size)
    kassert(activeMemoryManager != nullptr, "Memory management isn't ready!");
    return activeMemoryManager->malloc(size);

void *
operator new[](std::size_t size)
    kassert(activeMemoryManager != nullptr, "Memory management isn't ready!");
    return activeMemoryManager->malloc(size);

operator delete(void *ptr)
    if (activeMemoryManager != nullptr) {

operator delete[](void *ptr)
    if (activeMemoryManager != nullptr) {

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