xaizek / tos (License: GPLv3 only) (since 2018-12-07)
This is an alternative version of sources presented as part of Write Your Own OS video tutorial by Viktor Engelmann.
<root> / src / gui / Desktop.hpp (fb0d0650cce61edb3fc7503baa44c6d75e5d7fca) (596B) (mode 100644) [raw]

#include <cstdint>

#include "drv/mouse.hpp"
#include "gui/Widget.hpp"

namespace gui {

class Desktop : public CompositeWidget, public drv::MouseEventHandler
    Desktop(Dimentions size, Color color);

    virtual void draw(GraphicsContext &gc) override;

    virtual void onMouseDown(std::uint8_t button) override;
    virtual void onMouseUp(std::uint8_t button) override;
    virtual void onMouseMove(int dx, int dy) override;

    int mouseX;
    int mouseY;


#endif // TOS__GUI__DESKTOP_HPP__

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