xaizek / tos (License: GPLv3 only) (since 2018-12-07)
This is an alternative version of sources presented as part of Write Your Own OS video tutorial by Viktor Engelmann.
<root> / src / fs / mbr.cpp (6c32bc48071ed95a53cf2a847b9d721cffaa40dd) (892B) (mode 100644) [raw]
#include "fs/mbr.hpp"

#include "drv/ATA.hpp"
#include "fs/fat.hpp"
#include "fs/mbr.hpp"
#include "print.hpp"

using namespace fs;

MBR::readPartitions(drv::ATA &hd)
    kprint("MBR: ");

    std::uint8_t mbrSector[512];
    hd.read28(0, mbrSector);

    MasterBootRecord mbr(mbrSector);

    if (mbr.magicnumber != 0xAA55) {
        kprint("illegal MBR");

    for (std::uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        const std::uint8_t id = mbr.primaryPartition[i]->partition_id;
        if (id == 0x00) {

        const char *is = mbr.primaryPartition[i]->bootable == 0x80 ? ""
                                                                   : " not";
        kprint(" Partition ", i, is, " bootable.  Type 0x", id, ".\n");

        FAT fat(hd, mbr.primaryPartition[i]->start_lba);

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