xaizek / pms (License: GPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Older version of Practical Music Search written in C++.
Commit ae46f1fe9386da6b525c41e7e1c69dd531644d91

Rename README file.
Author: Kim Tore Jensen
Author date (UTC): 2012-08-16 12:17
Committer name: Kim Tore Jensen
Committer date (UTC): 2012-08-16 12:17
Parent(s): 572b9befb372b773df03287b52854e09b9354984
Signing key:
Tree: ca02c1bea8fbaec59a44d3a3a4150f997eee4c9c
File Lines added Lines deleted
File README copied from file README.md (similarity 97%) (mode: 100644) (index 8aa505f..b05ed59)
... ... Written by [Kim Tore Jensen](http://www.incendio.no). Copyright (c) 2006-2011.
63 63
64 64 A big thanks to contributors [Bart Nagel](https://github.com/tremby) A big thanks to contributors [Bart Nagel](https://github.com/tremby)
65 65 and [Murilo Pereira](https://github.com/mpereira). and [Murilo Pereira](https://github.com/mpereira).
67 <!--- vi: se ft=markdown et ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: -->

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