xaizek / pinfo (License: GPLv2 only) (since 2018-12-07)
Console-based info and manual pages reader, which adds interactive navigation to man pages.
Subject SHA-1 Author Date
Move vriable declaration to the beginning of blocks to accomodate non-gcc compilers 48f9a899f37748a91bd3cfea2aa7db66deeb062a bas 2010-09-19 13:20:39
Update ChangeLog and NEWS e81baa88acc9ec660790cb26948ffaeea5988ac9 bas 2010-09-19 13:16:40
change version to 0.6.10 dbe14763cba487438667333d0eb11eaca056d61d bas 2010-09-19 13:08:36
Fix autoconf stuff for newer autoconf/automake/libtool f4f5673448e1901f6a245390c75ced07c2c885d9 bas 2010-09-19 13:07:10
Fix getch() handling after suspend/resume. Thanks to Scott McDermott for the patch. bd7c5936a080e747adb741e7de29637cbd717acd bas 2010-09-19 11:36:28
Fixed parsing of the FTPVIEWER option. Thansk to jieryn@gmail.com for a patch. 7d6e4a065d4ef69264a50ff11ab5c9095a5efd2b bas 2006-06-24 15:16:14
Release 0.6.9 0018a1c366a00af911adc92f08b22a99ad8cf885 bas 2006-03-16 16:19:22
Updated po files 532995b1f27a3cef9be84f74c6220cae56970096 bas 2006-03-16 16:17:53
Fixed section of info file fc3b3f24509da300cecef8439f4d523e372cdf6d bas 2006-03-16 15:40:38
Fixed compiler warnings bab5da863c490388b3a1bc0a4b697ecd3b4010cb bas 2006-03-16 15:07:38

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