xaizek / zograscope (License: AGPLv3 only) (since 2018-12-07)
Mainly a syntax-aware diff that also provides a number of additional tools.
<root> / third-party / tree-sitter / parsers / README.md (9e94a33b27e80ce70810762823d6507d121cf82a) (583B) (mode 100644) [raw]
Third-party grammars are amended to be more suitable for zograscope and
regenerated.  This avoids rewriting tree after obtaining it from tree-sitter.
Below is information about what served as base versions for each imported

`bash-*` files

Bash parser is generated from a grammar at


 * commit: 4094e3a
 * date: 2021-11-02

`lua-*` files

Lua parser is generated from a grammar based on


 * commit: 6b02dfd
 * date: 2022-08-14
 * tag: v2.1.3

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