xaizek / zograscope (License: AGPLv3 only) (since 2018-12-07)
Mainly a syntax-aware diff that also provides a number of additional tools.
<root> / tests / Language.cpp (edaa3e501be6ee4276582a4a939e0e9cd94d42d4) (5,183B) (mode 100644) [raw]
// Copyright (C) 2017 xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>
// This file is part of zograscope.
// zograscope is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// zograscope is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with zograscope.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "Catch/catch.hpp"

#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

#include "pmr/monolithic.hpp"

#include "Language.hpp"
#include "TreeBuilder.hpp"

static std::string cFile = R"(
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        return 0;

static std::string cxxFile = R"(
    Class::Class(temp<int> &ref) {
        throw new something();

static std::string makeFile = R"(
    target1 := something
    .PHONY: all
    all: $(target1) target2

static std::string luaFile = R"(
    local function func(arg, ...)
        return arg

static const int tabWidth = 4;

TEST_CASE("Language can be forced", "[language]")
    cpp17::pmr::monolithic mr;
    std::unique_ptr<Language> lang;
    std::string str;

    SECTION("C") {
        lang = Language::create("<input>", "c");
        str = cFile;
    SECTION("Make") {
        lang = Language::create("<input>", "make");
        str = makeFile;

    CHECK_FALSE(lang->parse(str, "<input>", tabWidth, false, mr).hasFailed());

TEST_CASE("Unknown language causes exception", "[language]")
    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(Language::create("<input>", "wrong"), std::runtime_error);

TEST_CASE("C is the default", "[language]")
    cpp17::pmr::monolithic mr;
    std::unique_ptr<Language> lang = Language::create("<input>");
    CHECK_FALSE(lang->parse(cFile, "<input>", tabWidth, false, mr).hasFailed());

TEST_CASE("C is detected", "[language]")
    std::string fileName;

    SECTION("Makefile stem of source file") {
        fileName = "Makefile.c";
    SECTION("Makefile stem of header file") {
        fileName = "Makefile.h";

    cpp17::pmr::monolithic mr;
    std::unique_ptr<Language> lang = Language::create(fileName);
    CHECK_FALSE(lang->parse(cFile, "<input>", tabWidth, false, mr).hasFailed());

TEST_CASE("C++ is detected", "[.srcml][language]")
    const std::string names[] = {
        "Makefile.cpp", "file.hpp",
        "c.cxx", "main.hpp",
        "head.cc", "tail.hh",

    for (const std::string &fileName : names) {
        INFO("Filename: " << fileName);

        cpp17::pmr::monolithic mr;
        std::unique_ptr<Language> lang = Language::create(fileName);
        CHECK_FALSE(lang->parse(cxxFile, "<input>", tabWidth, false,

TEST_CASE("Make is detected", "[language]")
    std::string fileName;

    SECTION("Canonical Makefile name") {
        fileName = "Makefile";
    SECTION("Lower case") {
        fileName = "makefile";
    SECTION("Upper case") {
        fileName = "MAKEFILE";
    SECTION("With suffix") {
        fileName = "Makefile.win";
    SECTION("With prefix") {
        fileName = "prefix_Makefile";
    SECTION("With .mk suffix") {
        fileName = "config.mk";
    SECTION("With .mak suffix") {
        fileName = "config.mak";

    cpp17::pmr::monolithic mr;
    std::unique_ptr<Language> lang = Language::create(fileName);
    CHECK_FALSE(lang->parse(makeFile, "<input>", tabWidth, false,

TEST_CASE("Lua is detected", "[language]")
    cpp17::pmr::monolithic mr;
    std::unique_ptr<Language> lang = Language::create("file.lua");
    CHECK_FALSE(lang->parse(luaFile, "<input>", tabWidth, false,

TEST_CASE("Language matching", "[language]")
    SECTION("Matching against any supported language")
        CHECK(Language::matches("Makefile.win", ""));
        CHECK(Language::matches("file.c", ""));
        CHECK(Language::matches("file.h", ""));
        CHECK(Language::matches("file.cpp", ""));
        CHECK(Language::matches("file.lua", ""));

    SECTION("Matching against any specific languages")
        CHECK(Language::matches("Makefile", "make"));
        CHECK(Language::matches("file.c", "c"));
        CHECK(Language::matches("file.cpp", "cxx"));
        CHECK(Language::matches("file.lua", "lua"));

        CHECK_FALSE(Language::matches("Makefile", "cxx"));
        CHECK_FALSE(Language::matches("file.c", "make"));
        CHECK_FALSE(Language::matches("file.cpp", "c"));
        CHECK_FALSE(Language::matches("file.h", "lua"));

        CHECK(Language::matches("file.h", "c"));
        CHECK(Language::matches("file.h", "cxx"));

        CHECK_FALSE(Language::matches("file.h", "make"));
        CHECK_FALSE(Language::matches("file.h", "lua"));

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