xaizek / zograscope (License: AGPLv3 only) (since 2018-12-07)
Mainly a syntax-aware diff that also provides a number of additional tools.
<root> / docs / zs-stats.md (0b9a74a1fb1cc34acc80bdba28560b22215bce55) (1,311B) (mode 100644) [raw]

_zs-stats_ is a tool for counting:

 * lines of code
 * size of functions (complete definition)
 * number of functions
 * number of parameters of functions
 * possibly other things in the future


`zs-stats` `[options...]` _[paths...]_

Paths can specify both files and directories.  When no path is specified, "." is

Tool-specific Options

`--annotate` \
print source code annotated with line types

`--lang` \
here this common option also limits set of files to process


Differences from some similar tools:

 * counts line containing only braces/brackets/parenthesis separately from code
 * blank lines inside multiline comments are counted as comments
 * blank lines inside string literals are counted as code
 * can be slower due to parsing source code instead of treating it as text
 * supports a few languages and new ones are harder to add
 * trailing blank lines are ignored (because there are no tree nodes for them,
   although it's possible to add them)
 * last line continuation in macros in C aren't recognized due to lack of
   tokenization of preprocessor directives; in C++ it might not be recognized
   due to SrcML bugs


**zograscope**(7) for common options and list of all tools there.

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