NAME := zograscope CFLAGS += -MMD -MP CFLAGS += -Ithird-party/tree-sitter/include/ -Ithird-party/tree-sitter/src/ CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -DYYDEBUG -pthread CXXFLAGS += -Isrc/ -Ithird-party/ $(CFLAGS) LDFLAGS += -g -lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lboost_filesystem LDFLAGS += -lboost_system -pthread INSTALL := install -D DESTDIR := PREFIX := /usr # a variable that can be overridden to control which tests to run TESTS := # optional build-time dependencies QT5_PROG := HAVE_CURSESW := HAVE_LIBGIT2 := HAVE_LIBSRCML := ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT) bin_suffix := else bin_suffix := .exe endif # this function of two arguments (array and element) returns index of the # element in the array; return -1 if item not found in the list pos = $(strip $(eval T := ) \ $(eval i := -1) \ $(foreach elem, $1, \ $(if $(filter $2,$(elem)), \ $(eval i := $(words $T)), \ $(eval T := $T $(elem)))) \ $i) # determine output directory and build target; "." is the directory by default # or "release"/"debug" for corresponding targets is_release := 0 ifneq ($(call pos,release,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),-1) is_release := 1 endif ifneq ($(is_release),0) EXTRA_CXXFLAGS := -O3 # EXTRA_LDFLAGS := -Wl,--strip-all out_dir := release else EXTRA_CXXFLAGS := -O0 -g EXTRA_LDFLAGS := -g ifneq ($(call pos,debug,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),-1) out_dir := debug else ifneq ($(call pos,sanitize-basic,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),-1) out_dir := sanitize-basic EXTRA_CXXFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined EXTRA_LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -pthread else with_cov := 0 ifneq ($(call pos,coverage,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),-1) with_cov := 1 endif ifneq ($(with_cov),0) out_dir := coverage EXTRA_CXXFLAGS += --coverage EXTRA_LDFLAGS += --coverage else EXTRA_CXXFLAGS := -g out_dir := . endif endif endif -include ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBSRCML),yes) TESTS := '*' $(TESTS) EXTRA_LDFLAGS += -lsrcml CXXFLAGS += -DHAVE_LIBSRCML endif CXXFLAGS := -I$(out_dir)/src/ $(CXXFLAGS) # traverse directories ($1) recursively looking for a pattern ($2) to make list # of matching files rwildcard = $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) \ $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)) lib := $(out_dir)/lib$(NAME).a lib_sources_cpp := $(call rwildcard, src/, *.cpp) \ $(call rwildcard, third-party/, *.cpp) lib_sources_cpp := $(filter-out %.gen.cpp,$(lib_sources_cpp)) lib_sources_c := $(call rwildcard, third-party/, *.c) lib_autocpp := $(addprefix $(out_dir)/src/c/, \ c11-lexer.gen.cpp c11-parser.gen.cpp) lib_autocpp += $(addprefix $(out_dir)/src/make/, \ make-lexer.gen.cpp make-parser.gen.cpp) lib_autohpp := $(addprefix $(out_dir)/src/c/, \ c11-lexer.gen.hpp c11-parser.gen.hpp) lib_autohpp += $(addprefix $(out_dir)/src/make/, \ make-lexer.gen.hpp make-parser.gen.hpp) lib_objects := $(sort $(lib_sources_cpp:%.cpp=$(out_dir)/%.o) \ $(lib_sources_c:%.c=$(out_dir)/%.o) \ $(lib_autocpp:%.cpp=%.o)) lib_depends := $(lib_objects:.o=.d) tests_sources := $(call rwildcard, tests/, *.cpp) tests_objects := $(tests_sources:%.cpp=$(out_dir)/%.o) tests_depends := $(tests_objects:%.o=%.d) tests_objects += $(lib) all: # includes tool-specific configuration that disables linking rule define pull_tool_template -include tools/$1/ endef # tool definition template, takes single argument: name of the tool define tool_template $1.bin := $(out_dir)/zs-$1$(bin_suffix) $1.sources := $$(filter-out tools/$1/data/%, \ $$(call rwildcard, tools/$1/, *.cpp) \ $$(call rwildcard, tools/$1/, *.c)) $1.objects := $$($1.sources:%.cpp=$$(out_dir)/%.o) $1.objects := $$(sort $$($1.objects:%.c=$$(out_dir)/%.o)) $1.depends := $$($1.objects:.o=.d) $1.objects += $(lib) tools_bins += $$($1.bin) tools_objects += $$($1.objects) tools_depends += $$($1.depends) all: $$($1.bin) man: man/zs-$1.1 $$($1.bin): | $(out_dirs) ifeq (,$(wildcard tools/$1/ $$($1.bin): $$($1.objects) $(CXX) $$^ $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $$@ else $$($1.bin): $$($1.sources) $$($1.extradeps) $(lib) endif endef # includes ammending tool-specific configuration define pull_tool_config_template -include tools/$1/ endef tools := $(patsubst tools/%/,%,$(sort $(dir $(wildcard tools/*/*.cpp)))) $(foreach tool, $(tools), $(eval $(call pull_tool_template,$(tool)))) $(foreach tool, $(tools), $(eval $(call tool_template,$(tool)))) $(foreach tool, $(tools), $(eval $(call pull_tool_config_template,$(tool)))) out_dirs := $(sort $(dir $(lib_objects) $(tools_objects) $(tests_objects))) # this is for gmake 3, which has troubles creating these directories in the # processs of running other rules $(shell mkdir -p $(out_dirs)) .PHONY: all man check clean debug release sanitize-basic .PHONY: coverage reset-coverage .PHONY: install uninstall man: man/$(NAME).7 man/%.1 man/%.7: docs/ pandoc -V title=$* \ -V section=$(shell echo -n $@ | tail -c1) \ -V app=$* \ -V date="$$(date +'%B %d, %Y')" \ -V author='xaizek <>' \ -s -o $@ $< all: $(lib) debug release sanitize-basic: all coverage: check $(all) uncov new-gcovi --capture-worktree --exclude tests \ --exclude third-party \ --exclude tools/tui/libs reset-coverage: ifeq ($(with_cov),1) find $(out_dir)/ -name '*.gcda' -delete endif $(lib): | $(out_dirs) $(lib): $(lib_objects) $(AR) cr $@ $^ check: $(out_dir)/tests/tests reset-coverage @$(out_dir)/tests/tests $(TESTS) install: release $(INSTALL) -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin $(tools_bins) $(INSTALL) -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man7/ -m 644 man/*.7 $(INSTALL) -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/ -m 644 man/*.1 uninstall: $(RM) $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/,$(notdir $(tools_bins))) $(out_dir)/src/c/c11-lexer.gen.hpp: $(out_dir)/src/c/c11-lexer.gen.cpp $(out_dir)/src/c/c11-lexer.gen.cpp: src/c/c11-lexer.flex \ | $(out_dir)/src/c/c11-parser.gen.cpp \ $(out_dir)/src/c/c11-parser.gen.hpp flex --header-file=$(out_dir)/src/c/c11-lexer.gen.hpp \ --outfile=$(out_dir)/src/c/c11-lexer.gen.cpp $< $(out_dir)/src/make/make-lexer.gen.hpp: $(out_dir)/src/make/make-lexer.gen.cpp $(out_dir)/src/make/make-lexer.gen.cpp: src/make/make-lexer.flex \ | $(out_dir)/src/make/make-parser.gen.cpp \ $(out_dir)/src/make/make-parser.gen.hpp flex --header-file=$(out_dir)/src/make/make-lexer.gen.hpp \ --outfile=$(out_dir)/src/make/make-lexer.gen.cpp $< $(out_dir)/src/c/c11-parser.gen.hpp: $(out_dir)/src/c/c11-parser.gen.cpp $(out_dir)/src/c/c11-parser.gen.cpp: src/c/c11-parser.ypp bison --defines=$(out_dir)/src/c/c11-parser.gen.hpp \ --output=$(out_dir)/src/c/c11-parser.gen.cpp $< $(out_dir)/src/make/make-parser.gen.hpp: $(out_dir)/src/make/make-parser.gen.cpp $(out_dir)/src/make/make-parser.gen.cpp: src/make/make-parser.ypp bison --defines=$(out_dir)/src/make/make-parser.gen.hpp \ --output=$(out_dir)/src/make/make-parser.gen.cpp $< # to make build possible the first time, when dependency files aren't there yet $(lib_objects): | $(lib_autohpp) # work around parenthesis warning in tests somehow caused by ccache $(out_dir)/tests/tests: EXTRA_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-error=parentheses $(out_dir)/tests/tests: EXTRA_CXXFLAGS += -Itests/ $(out_dir)/tests/tests: \ EXTRA_CXXFLAGS += -DCATCH_CLARA_TEXTFLOW_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH=999 $(out_dir)/tests/tests: $(tests_objects) | $(out_dirs) $(CXX) $(tests_objects) $(LDFLAGS) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(out_dir)/%.gen.o: $(out_dir)/%.gen.cpp | $(out_dirs) $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(out_dir)/%.o: %.cpp | $(out_dirs) $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(out_dir)/%.o: %.c | $(out_dirs) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(out_dirs): mkdir -p $@ clean: -$(RM) -r coverage/ debug/ release/ sanitize-basic/ -$(RM) $(lib_objects) $(tools_objects) $(tests_objects) \ $(lib_depends) $(tools_depends) $(tests_depends) \ $(lib_autocpp) $(lib_autohpp) \ $(lib) $(tools_bins) $(out_dir)/tests/tests include $(wildcard $(lib_depends) $(tools_depends) $(tests_depends))