xaizek / zograscope (License: AGPLv3 only) (since 2018-12-07)
Mainly a syntax-aware diff that also provides a number of additional tools.
Commit 07f2c2f5216cb13ebfe0b9e47e0467050da05aa3

Recognize three new C++ SrcML nodes
Added in v1.0.0.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2020-03-29 22:28
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2020-03-29 22:28
Parent(s): 0295dd67acd015924408bdbd19b6da209162e920
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: c72ec4ee9705bb110049e76c9c264555f5773df2
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/srcml/cxx/SrcmlCxxLanguage.cpp 6 0
src/srcml/cxx/SrcmlCxxSType.hpp 3 0
File src/srcml/cxx/SrcmlCxxLanguage.cpp changed (mode: 100644) (index b018c0f..6fe4915)
... ... SrcmlCxxLanguage::SrcmlCxxLanguage()
86 86 map["assert"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Assert; map["assert"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Assert;
87 87 map["attribute"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Attribute; map["attribute"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Attribute;
88 88 map["block"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Block; map["block"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Block;
89 map["block_content"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::BlockContent;
89 90 map["break"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Break; map["break"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Break;
90 91 map["call"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Call; map["call"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Call;
91 92 map["capture"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Capture; map["capture"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Capture;
... ... SrcmlCxxLanguage::SrcmlCxxLanguage()
118 119 map["function_decl"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::FunctionDecl; map["function_decl"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::FunctionDecl;
119 120 map["goto"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Goto; map["goto"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Goto;
120 121 map["if"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::If; map["if"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::If;
122 map["if_stmt"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::IfStmt;
121 123 map["index"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Index; map["index"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Index;
122 124 map["init"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Init; map["init"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Init;
123 125 map["label"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Label; map["label"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Label;
... ... SrcmlCxxLanguage::SrcmlCxxLanguage()
143 145 map["struct"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Struct; map["struct"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Struct;
144 146 map["struct_decl"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::StructDecl; map["struct_decl"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::StructDecl;
145 147 map["super"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Super; map["super"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Super;
148 map["super_list"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::SuperList;
146 149 map["switch"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Switch; map["switch"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Switch;
147 150 map["template"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Template; map["template"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Template;
148 151 map["ternary"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Ternary; map["ternary"] = +SrcmlCxxSType::Ternary;
... ... SrcmlCxxLanguage::toString(SType stype) const
635 638 case SrcmlCxxSType::Assert: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Assert"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Assert: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Assert";
636 639 case SrcmlCxxSType::Attribute: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Attribute"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Attribute: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Attribute";
637 640 case SrcmlCxxSType::Block: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Block"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Block: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Block";
641 case SrcmlCxxSType::BlockContent: return "SrcmlCxxSType::BlockContent";
638 642 case SrcmlCxxSType::Break: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Break"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Break: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Break";
639 643 case SrcmlCxxSType::Call: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Call"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Call: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Call";
640 644 case SrcmlCxxSType::Capture: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Capture"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Capture: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Capture";
... ... SrcmlCxxLanguage::toString(SType stype) const
667 671 case SrcmlCxxSType::FunctionDecl: return "SrcmlCxxSType::FunctionDecl"; case SrcmlCxxSType::FunctionDecl: return "SrcmlCxxSType::FunctionDecl";
668 672 case SrcmlCxxSType::Goto: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Goto"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Goto: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Goto";
669 673 case SrcmlCxxSType::If: return "SrcmlCxxSType::If"; case SrcmlCxxSType::If: return "SrcmlCxxSType::If";
674 case SrcmlCxxSType::IfStmt: return "SrcmlCxxSType::IfStmt";
670 675 case SrcmlCxxSType::Index: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Index"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Index: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Index";
671 676 case SrcmlCxxSType::Init: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Init"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Init: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Init";
672 677 case SrcmlCxxSType::Label: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Label"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Label: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Label";
... ... SrcmlCxxLanguage::toString(SType stype) const
692 697 case SrcmlCxxSType::Struct: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Struct"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Struct: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Struct";
693 698 case SrcmlCxxSType::StructDecl: return "SrcmlCxxSType::StructDecl"; case SrcmlCxxSType::StructDecl: return "SrcmlCxxSType::StructDecl";
694 699 case SrcmlCxxSType::Super: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Super"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Super: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Super";
700 case SrcmlCxxSType::SuperList: return "SrcmlCxxSType::SuperList";
695 701 case SrcmlCxxSType::Switch: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Switch"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Switch: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Switch";
696 702 case SrcmlCxxSType::Template: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Template"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Template: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Template";
697 703 case SrcmlCxxSType::Ternary: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Ternary"; case SrcmlCxxSType::Ternary: return "SrcmlCxxSType::Ternary";
File src/srcml/cxx/SrcmlCxxSType.hpp changed (mode: 100644) (index 6640ffa..2acf0c5)
... ... enum class SrcmlCxxSType : std::uint8_t
70 70 Assert, Assert,
71 71 Attribute, Attribute,
72 72 Block, Block,
73 BlockContent,
73 74 Break, Break,
74 75 Call, Call,
75 76 Capture, Capture,
... ... enum class SrcmlCxxSType : std::uint8_t
102 103 FunctionDecl, FunctionDecl,
103 104 Goto, Goto,
104 105 If, If,
106 IfStmt,
105 107 Index, Index,
106 108 Init, Init,
107 109 Label, Label,
... ... enum class SrcmlCxxSType : std::uint8_t
127 129 Struct, Struct,
128 130 StructDecl, StructDecl,
129 131 Super, Super,
132 SuperList,
130 133 Switch, Switch,
131 134 Template, Template,
132 135 Ternary, Ternary,

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