xaizek / xscripts (License: Apache-2.0) (since 2020-06-28)
Small collection of some scripts I find useful.
Subject SHA-1 Author Date
gt-do: sort list of actions 9edf7501cb22c6210c87fc78be270c4dfef01e25 xaizek 2020-07-12 17:31:57
gt-do: handle absence of $EDITOR variable ce1fa4ddabb395492270841f4a483de8e81f8651 xaizek 2020-06-30 22:18:50
Add gt-do script e234be9f38c8545b0ce24100183901493adc9077 xaizek 2020-06-28 21:10:44
Add envis-diff script bf1a6f91139be7c164c150975c70f0d9d58f48b2 xaizek 2020-06-28 21:03:22
Add gifrec script 6f9c8afe64b914d9d9de72fda65740cda2ceb860 xaizek 2020-06-28 20:52:26
Initial version 9768a7ba98c43fc97746a181eea76915ca6ef395 xaizek 2020-06-28 20:39:38

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