Subject SHA-1 Author Date
Work around delay after Escape due to Alt mappings e957e886142ae96257ef36cb8048a47a0917e0da xaizek 2016-10-23 17:28:29
Add <c-t> mapping from rsi.vim db29d906246fafd759c7c790df0471394ec75d15 xaizek 2016-08-25 09:16:25
Treat <c-h> as <bs> 726dd2da0bfa43bdf5d0d253d922507de008ccfa xaizek 2014-01-13 17:34:42
Don't map <esc>foo in gui 2c71de50c96f260f2562c00796ba4622f23ca8dc xaizek 2012-06-11 18:33:12
Use lowercase letters for alt combinations 763ead2b85f8a2cd5d9a0a81f62667ca6fc56d6e xaizek 2012-06-11 18:27:21
Remove Ctrl-W mapping f694b092e2aa8a50d60d676ab854a4af36e253c5 xaizek 2012-06-11 18:19:43
bug fix: multi-byte characters don't work with <Backspace> and <Del> ccc08b4cf04340375f80e12e5d32245ddd2ab582 houtsnip 2011-06-06 09:41:22
formatting change 0e90240b2519a552e3b99821361f1c373ba40c41 Houtsnip 2011-04-18 08:49:51
fixed typos 670172444aa69897fe517a588e35be7c15a2ba8f Houtsnip 2011-04-18 07:57:38
corrected documentation other minor changes 152aa8003d6df37242648824b1431791d0a59350 Houtsnip 2011-04-17 21:49:18

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