xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
<root> / ChangeLog.LuaAPI (9891b3004ba7acd38f58f416711f8d58af8e554b) (8,025B) (mode 100644) [raw]
The API is experimental and having a change log is useful to have for
adjusting plugins as the implementation changes.  During development of the
API things should stay fairly stable to not cause breakage too often, but
while stabilizing for v1.0 a bunch of breaking changes can happen at once.
After that all changes will be documented in the regular ChangeLog.

0.12.1 to 0.13-beta (2023-03-17)

	Bumped API version to v0.1.0 due to bug fixes and various additions.

	Additions to enabled standard libraries:
	 * os.getenv()

	New things Lua can be used for:
	 * write a 'tabline' generator
	 * running code before exit and when a file operation is done
	 * starting background jobs to do something when they're over

	Changed description of VifmTab:getview() without arguments to return
	active pane of a global tab, which is what it was actually doing.

	Added vifm.executable() that check for an executable file or command in

	Added "onexit" callback for VifmJob.

	Added vifm.input() that prompts user for input via command-line prompt.

	Added events.listen() that registers a handler for an event.

	Added "app.exit" event that occurs before Vifm exits normally.

	Added "app.fsop" event that occurs after a successful execution of a
	file-system operation.

	Added VifmEntry.isdir field which is true if an entry is either a
	directory or a symbolic link to a directory.

	Added VifmView.custom table with information about custom file list.

	Close Lua job streams when job is done.

	Closed _G loophole a plugin could use to mess environment for other

	Protected against metatable manipulations in Lua.

	Fixed incorrect path in Lua's editor handler on Windows.

	Fixed VifmTab:getview() mistreating "pane" input field.

	Fixed modules loaded via vifm.plugin.require() not having `vifm` defined.

0.12 to 0.12.1 (2022-09-21)

	Upgraded Lua from 5.4.3 to 5.4.4.

	Additions to enabled standard libraries:
	 * os.tmpname()

	New things Lua can be used for:
	 * fully integrate an arbitrary editor by using a handler in 'vicmd' or
	 * defining custom keys and selectors

	Added vifm.escape() that escapes input to make it suitable for use in an
	external command for current value of the 'shell' option.

	Added vifm.run() that runs an external command similar to :!.

	Added vifm.keys.add() that registers a user-defined key or selector.

	Added vifm.sessions.current() that retrieves name of the current session.

	Added vifm.tabs.get() that retrieves a tab.

	Added vifm.tabs.getcount() that retrieves number of open tabs.

	Added vifm.tabs.getcurrent() that retrieves index of current tab.

	Added VifmEntry:mimetype() that gets a MIME type.

	Added VifmTab:getlayout() that retrieves layout of a global tab or shared
	TUI state for a pane tab.

	Added VifmTab:getname() that retrieves name of the tab if it was set.

	Added VifmTab:getview() that returns view managed by the tab.

	Completors of a Lua-defined :command can now provide descriptions of
	completion items.

0.11 to 0.12 (2021-09-29)

	The following standard libraries are enabled:
	 * basic (core global functions)
	 * table manipulation (`tbl` table)
	 * package library (`require` global and `package` table)
	 * string manipulation (`string` table)
	 * input and output (`io` table)
	 * mathematical functions (`math` table)
	 * time subset of OS facilities (`clock`, `date`, `difftime` and `time`
	   elements of `os` table)

	 This is what one can do by using Lua at the moment:
	  * commands with completion
	  * save and reset options (e.g., some kind of presets)
	  * custom columns
	  * filetype/filextype/fileviewer/%q handlers
	  * 'statusline' generator
	  * starting background jobs that appear on a job bar

	Added vifm.addcolumntype() that registers a new view column type to be
	used in 'viewcolumns' option.

	Added vifm.addhandler() that registers a new handler that will be
	accessible in viewers.

	Added vifm.currview() that retrieves a reference to current view.

	Added vifm.otherview() that retrieves a reference to other view.

	Added vifm.errordialog() that displays error dialog.

	Added vifm.expand() that expands environment variables and macros in a

	Added vifm.fnamemodify() that changes path according to modifiers.

	Added vifm.exists() that checks existence of a path without resolving
	symbolic links.

	Added vifm.makepath() that creates target path and missing intermediate

	Added vifm.startjob() that launches an external command.

	Added vifm.cmds.add() that registers a new :command of a kind that's
	equivalent to builtin commands.

	Added vifm.cmds.command() that registers a new :command that works exactly
	as those registered using :command builtin command.

	Added vifm.cmds.delcommand() that removes :command added by
	vifm.cmds.command(), basically being an equivalent of :delcommand builtin

	Added vifm.opts.global table that provides access to global options.

	Added vifm.plugin.name field that provides name of the plugin.

	Added vifm.plugin.path field that provides full path to plugin's root

	Added vifm.plugin.require() that serves as plugin-specific `require`,
	which loads Lua modules relative to plugin's root.

	Added vifm.plugins.all table that contains all plugins indexed by their

	Added vifm.sb.info() that displays a regular message on statusbar.

	Added vifm.sb.error() that displays an error message on statusbar.

	Added vifm.sb.quick() that displays a quick message on statusbar.

	Added vifm.version.app.str field that provides version of Vifm as a

	Added vifm.version.api.major field that provides major version of Lua API.

	Added vifm.version.api.minor field that provides minor version of Lua API.

	Added vifm.version.api.patch field that provides patch version of Lua API.

	Added vifm.version.api.has() that will check presence of features some

	Added vifm.version.api.atleast() that checks version of Lua API.

	Added VifmEntry.classify table that describes name decorations.

	Added VifmEntry.name field that provides name of the file.

	Added VifmEntry.location field that provides location of the file.

	Added VifmEntry.size field that provides size of the file in bytes.

	Added VifmEntry.atime field that provides file access time (e.g., read,

	Added VifmEntry.ctime field that provides file change time (changes in
	metadata, like mode).

	Added VifmEntry.mtime field that provides file modification time (when
	file contents is changed).

	Added VifmEntry.type field that provides type of the entry.

	Added VifmEntry.folded field that shows whether this entry is folded.

	Added VifmEntry.selected field that shows whether this entry is selected.

	Added VifmEntry.match field that shows whether this entry is a search

	Added VifmEntry.matchstart field that provides start position of a
	substring found in file's name.

	Added VifmEntry.matchend field that provides end position of a substring
	found in file's name.

	Added VifmEntry:gettarget() that gets target of a symbolic link (not to be
	confused with real path resolution).

	Added VifmJob:wait() that waits for the job to finish.

	Added VifmJob:exitcode() that retrieves exit code of the job.

	Added VifmJob:stdin() that retrieves stream associated with standard input
	of the job.

	Added VifmJob:stdout() that retrieves stream associated with standard
	output of the job.

	Added VifmJob:errors() that retrieves data collected from error stream of
	the job.

	Added VifmView.locopts table of location-specific values of view-specific

	Added VifmView.viewopts table of "global" values of view-specific options.

	Added VifmView.currententry field that provides index of the current

	Added VifmView.cwd field that provides location of the current view.

	Added VifmView.entrycount field that provides number of entries in the

	Added VifmView:cd() that changes location of the view.

	Added VifmView:entry() that retrieves an entry by index.

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