xaizek / vide (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Graphical predecessor of vifm that uses GTK+.
<root> / macros / Makefile.am (2b7b6ebbc8b6a5161d64ac6c985b08d624bc8fc8) (1,067B) (mode 100644) [raw]
## Please update this variable if any new macros are created

MACROS=						\
  aclocal-include.m4				\
  compiler-flags.m4				\
  curses.m4					\
  gnome-bonobo-check.m4				\
  gnome-fileutils.m4				\
  gnome-ghttp-check.m4				\
  gnome-gnorba-check.m4				\
  gnome-guile-checks.m4				\
  gnome-libgtop-check.m4			\
  gnome-objc-checks.m4				\
  gnome-orbit-check.m4				\
  gnome-print-check.m4				\
  gnome-pthread-check.m4			\
  gnome-support.m4				\
  gnome-undelfs.m4				\
  gnome-vfs.m4					\
  gnome-x-checks.m4				\
  gnome-xml-check.m4				\
  gnome.m4					\
  gperf-check.m4				\
  linger.m4					\

EXTRA_DIST=$(MACROS) gnome-common.m4 autogen.sh

@MAINT@macros.dep: Makefile.am
@MAINT@	@echo '$$(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4: $(MACROS:%=macros/%)' > $@

gnome_aclocaldir = $(datadir)/aclocal/gnome

gnome-macros.dep: Makefile.am
	@echo '$$(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4: $(MACROS:%=$(gnome_aclocaldir)/%)' > $@

gnome_aclocal_DATA = $(MACROS) gnome-macros.dep gnome-common.m4 autogen.sh


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