xaizek / unused-funcs (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Clang-based standalone tool that detects unused external functions in a set of source files.
Subject SHA-1 Author Date
Fix compilation with up-to-date Clang b6612602883413560479653fe053a84f19a7edcc xaizek 2014-07-22 21:10:56
Fix includes in Finder.hpp e4d4ee7ecedea4b4d7ef90aa36fc4e70a1fa516e xaizek 2014-04-06 20:43:21
Add example and test files aea6460b1bcb7557e52048ded971ddb94fda1d67 xaizek 2014-04-06 10:17:22
Move sources to src/ directory 2bfdd55904120949c661ebcf372e9e976788928d xaizek 2014-04-06 10:05:04
Skip diagnostics automatically provided by Clang 3c29cd537965d6fba65b14fb003a0aa99c9a9d30 xaizek 2014-04-06 10:01:55
Print diagnostics 02d82e07e480bb75c64ab87de67bd68401056145 xaizek 2014-04-06 09:59:57
Move matchers to a separate file 0777cb152b66e2c37fe33b7253d93757833ff4cb xaizek 2014-04-06 09:20:14
Find and print all external funcs and all calls 67998d6be8629f48508935b8af7fdc64cd79f1d8 xaizek 2014-03-31 20:15:00

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