xaizek / pipedial (License: GPLv3 only) (since 2019-01-08)
One more tool for selecting something in console.
Commit aeffc9b470d267b538637acc2776c1a4b5c966a2

Update libcursed, libcursedrl and libvle modules
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2022-02-11 23:29
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2022-02-11 23:29
Parent(s): 9296ca76b3b826b3229b83e6360e4f28c9c49181
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: a4bc4f39dda5e6696d93ea556789f6d6a02c935c
File Lines added Lines deleted
libs/cursed 1 1
libs/cursedrl 1 1
libs/vle 1 1
File libs/cursed changed (mode: 160000) (index 4c4512c..1609be5)
1 Subproject commit 4c4512cb5dfaf78e61d841bbd06342afae7d5989
1 Subproject commit 1609be549aca6c7895ad46a1b2987bb3568842f4
File libs/cursedrl changed (mode: 160000) (index 3e73f3c..e3a629e)
1 Subproject commit 3e73f3c585919a946bdf136f64c9ad1ae9945e56
1 Subproject commit e3a629e92b63d83f2719e11e364c1b25b7be7313
File libs/vle changed (mode: 160000) (index 007e559..338f91f)
1 Subproject commit 007e559a5fdf94372d590925d07a58c9de82cc85
1 Subproject commit 338f91f336b407c2f6c5ce13646837d327a03480

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