xaizek / pinfo (License: GPLv2 only) (since 2018-12-07)
Console-based info and manual pages reader, which adds interactive navigation to man pages.
<root> / TODO (4d172dffe0e57148b18e514425278e7f8e023d04) (1,321B) (mode 100644) [raw]
(1) Clean up the manual code as much as possible; it's still giving
	valgrind errors, which is BAD.
(2) Fix parse_config.cxx 's use of strtok.
    And wipe out all other uses of strtok.

Finish the process of making common_includes only include really common
includes, and the related process of converting from C headers to
C++ C-wrapper headers.

Switch to using ncursesw rather than ncurses (for UTF-8 support).
Switch to using glib++'s ustring class rather than std::string (again
for UTF-8 support).

Sigh.  The easy string conversions are done; the hard ones remain.

(medium term)
(1) Squelch all negative-integer issues.  (Sigh.)  This is probably best
		done by changing return values to use a struct or some such.
(2) Put a C++ wrapper around ncurses.

Arrr.  I've broken the manual code when
used with narrow narrow windows.  Well,
actually it was already broken; I just broke
it *more*.

(long term)
Fix temp file usage better.  Ideally, we would open a file, keep a handle to
it, and refer only to the handle.  But how do we pass a filehandle to a
system() call?  Also, I don't have the tmpfile fixes from the non-CXX trunk,
because I changed too much in the tempfile area to port them.

Unify manual and info code.

From old TODO:

add search backwards
Add default search-again when doing second search


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