xaizek / pinfo (License: GPLv2 only) (since 2018-12-07)
Console-based info and manual pages reader, which adds interactive navigation to man pages.
Commit 70da81ec492ab829b58df3c837a9924e119a386b

Make pinfo work if stdin and/or stdout are redirected Fixes https://bugs.debian.org/671306
Author: bas@zoetekouw.net
Author date (UTC): 2017-08-13 21:58
Committer name: bas@zoetekouw.net
Committer date (UTC): 2017-08-13 21:58
Parent(s): 3db98764f7b23b2f642b28925dd69f2ad1cb4ca9
Signing key:
Tree: 2cd48fdbadf29ba5ba330de1f51225a9a6efe4fd
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/utils.c 3 1
File src/utils.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 7f2f04e..ed71063)
... ... getstring(char *prompt)
279 279 void void
280 280 init_curses() init_curses()
281 281 { {
282 initscr();
282 FILE *f = fopen("/dev/tty", "r+");
283 SCREEN *screen = newterm(NULL, f, f);
284 set_term(screen);
283 285 noecho(); noecho();
284 286 cbreak(); cbreak();
285 287 keypad(stdscr, TRUE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE);

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