xaizek / pinfo (License: GPLv2 only) (since 2018-12-07)
Console-based info and manual pages reader, which adds interactive navigation to man pages.
Commit 50a0e7d3ffef2d2d9029434d2a7ce5936a2eb671

Fix formatting of description of some keys in info
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2017-10-15 11:59
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2019-02-02 12:08
Parent(s): a2edf8ff2621a32b528cfd20631a9c22953a111f
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 9a79f671e8ffb4f2d8e2d647f4ffcd090318a841
File Lines added Lines deleted
doc/pinfo.texi 12 6
File doc/pinfo.texi changed (mode: 100644) (index 935df65..9925202)
... ... Alternate key for going to a node marked as 'Next' in the header. In manpage
297 297 viewer this goes to the next man section. viewer this goes to the next man section.
298 298
299 299 @item KEY_UP_1 @item KEY_UP_1
300 Key for scrolling text one line up. Alternate key for scrolling text
301 one line up.
300 Key for scrolling text one line up.
302 @item KEY_UP_2
303 Alternate key for scrolling text one line up.
302 304
303 305 @item KEY_END_1 @item KEY_END_1
304 Key for going to the end of the node. Alternate key for going to the
305 end of the node.
306 Key for going to the end of the node.
308 @item KEY_END_2
309 Alternate key for going to the end of the node.
306 310
307 311 @item KEY_PGDN_1 @item KEY_PGDN_1
308 312 Key for going one page down in the viewed node. Key for going one page down in the viewed node.
... ... Key for scrolling the text down one line.
345 349 Alternate key for scrolling the text down one line. Alternate key for scrolling the text down one line.
346 350
347 351 @item KEY_TOP_1 @item KEY_TOP_1
348 Key for going to the top (first) node. Alternate key for going to the
349 top (first) node.
352 Key for going to the top (first) node.
354 @item KEY_TOP_2
355 Alternate key for going to the top (first) node.
350 356
351 357 @item KEY_BACK_1 @item KEY_BACK_1
352 358 Key for going back (in the history of viewed nodes). Key for going back (in the history of viewed nodes).

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