xaizek / libcursedrl (License: GPLv3+) (since 2019-03-24)
libcursed extension for integration with readline.
Commit e3a629e92b63d83f2719e11e364c1b25b7be7313

Fix an issue with linking to ncurses
Instead of using add_requires("ncursesw") + add_packages("ncursesw") do
add_links() because otherwise xmake uses system readline, but
dependencies of a xrepo package, which results in linking against both
ncurses and ncursesw after which segfaults ensue (not the least because
API is either wide or narrow).
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2022-02-09 17:25
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2022-02-09 17:28
Parent(s): 3d6e674ffa18cf37869ac7969a2b3cb954c41317
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 07ecaec92e05b7eb4332ebe389f39f62275a5ac2
File Lines added Lines deleted
xmake.lua 6 3
File xmake.lua changed (mode: 100644) (index 8eb5515..d60b835)
1 add_requires("readline")
3 1 target("cursedrl") target("cursedrl")
4 2 set_kind("static") set_kind("static")
5 3 set_languages("c++11") set_languages("c++11")
6 4 add_files("*.cpp") add_files("*.cpp")
7 add_packages("readline")
5 -- instead of using add_requires("ncursesw") + add_packages("ncursesw") do
6 -- add_links() because otherwise xmake uses system readline, but
7 -- dependencies of a xrepo package, which results in linking against both
8 -- ncurses and ncursesw after which segfaults ensue (not the least because
9 -- API is either wide or narrow)
10 add_links("readline")
8 11 on_install(function() end) on_install(function() end)

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