xaizek / fragile (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Simple lightweight CI, attempting to be somewhat Unix-like in its philosophy.
Commit b6f1e40decf275a85a6233c036e8d1367c78e543

Reflect arguments change of new.php in INSTALL.md
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2016-02-04 20:02
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2016-02-04 20:02
Parent(s): 8fd7854537c84f3069111a532bda991418865169
Signing key:
Tree: 78f91bc9723c10abe4113905533c717094b436c7
File Lines added Lines deleted
INSTALL.md 1 1
File INSTALL.md changed (mode: 100644) (index 89f1261..8c2fc2f)
... ... web-interface isolated from actual build process.
39 39
40 40 ### Scheduling a build ### ### Scheduling a build ###
41 41
42 Run `new.php` passing it revision ID to work with.
42 Run `new.php` passing it refname and revision ID (in this order) to work with.
43 43
44 44 ### Installing the daemon ### ### Installing the daemon ###
45 45

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