xaizek / euclid-wm (License: BSD 3-Clause) (since 2018-12-07)
A minimalist, tiling window manager for X11 that seeks to allow easy management of numerous windows entirely from the keyboard.
<root> / usagetutorial.md (0c30347fd41a6899a57b0b9f836e3aa257d5888e) (6,833B) (mode 100644) [raw]
# Introduction #
This tutorial serves two purposes. First, it is a tutorial for people interested in learning how to use euclid-wm. Second it also serves as a quick way for those interested in euclid-wm to see how euclid works, before installing.

# Details #

Once installed, euclid-wm should show up in your display manager's list of sessions, so you can start is just like any other WM.

Once euclid has started, you will be greated by a big empty screen. So far so good.

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial-1.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial-1.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

To get some windows to manage we can do one of two things:

> `<alt> + <enter>`

will launch dmenu (assuming you have already installed it), and allow you to start any application you like.

> `<alt> + <shift> + <enter>`

will launch xterm, or whatever you define in euclid-wm.conf.

**Caution**--if you haven't used dmenu before realize that it takes the keyboard focus until you close it (either by selecting an entry with `<enter>`, or by exiting it with `<escape>`.

So let's start an xterm:

> `<alt> + <shift> + <enter>`

Now your whole screen will be a single xterm. euclid always expands windows to take up as much space as is available.

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial2.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial2.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

Note the single pixel, blue border, this indicates that that window has focus. Of course since there is only one window it doesn't tell you much; So let's start another:

> `<alt> + <shift> + <enter>`

Now you should have two xterms, stacked one on top of the other, the bottom one (which btw, is the new one) should have a blue border indicating that it is focused.

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial3.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial3.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

Go ahead and open 4 xterms so we can do some neat stuff:

> `<alt> + <shift> + <enter>` (x2)

Now we have four xterms, still stacked one on top of the other.

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial4.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial4.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

This is a little-bit ridiculous, as the windows are getting somewhat short. So let's move the 3rd one from the bottom to a new "track".

First, we have to focus it. Changing focus uses the standard h/j/k/l keys (left, up, down, right) with the alt key. So, assuming the focus is on the bottom (4th, window) we select the 3rd window with:

> `<alt> + k`

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial5.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial5.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

Now we can move this window right. Moving windows the same keys as moving focus, except that it is distinguished with the addition of the `<shfit>` key. So to move this window right use:

> `<alt> + <shift> + l`

Now you will have two equal, vertically-oriented tracks. The one on the left has three stacked windows, the one on the right has a single window. The window on the right should still have focus.

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial6.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial6.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

We can resize it using y/u/i/o Remember these are just like the standard movement keys, just shifted up a row. Think of them as moving the bottom right corner, so to make it wider move the bottom-right corner right. Hold:

> `<alt> + o`

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial7.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial7.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

Maybe we need it way bigger:

> `<alt> + <shift> + <space>`

will toggle fullscreen.

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial8.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial8.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

Now we are done with the middle window in the left column and wish to hid it for now, so we add it to the "stack". First we focus it:

> `<alt> + h`

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial9.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial9.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

Then we minimize it to the stack:

> `<alt> + .`

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial10.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial10.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

It should now be hidden, with the other two windows in the collumn taking up the extra space.

Now it should be in the stack. You can toggle the stack's visibility with:

> `<alt> + <shift> + <space>`

We can add another window to the stack too:

> `<alt> + .`

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial11.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial11.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

You can change stack focus by using

> `<alt> + ;`

to go up or

> `<alt> + '`

to go down.

Bring one of them back:

> `<alt> + ,`

(Notice, , and . control putting windows into and out of the stack.)

One last thing before moving on to view:

> `<alt> + <tab>`

will flip the orientation of the layout: a vertical layout becomes horizontal.

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial12.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-tutorial12.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

Okay, now about views. They are actually really simple. Views are just euclid's version of virtual desktops.

By default you are on view 1 (since you just started).

So you can go to view 1, by hitting

> `<alt> + 1`

Pretty simple. Of course you were already on view one, so nothing changed. Try:

> `<alt> + 3`

This takes you to view 3. It's blank, since you haven't put any windows there. So go back to 1:
> `<alt> + 1`

Now send a window to 3:

> `<alt> + <shift> + 3`

Whichever window was focused should have just disappeared, but it didn't go far, don't worry:

> `<alt> + 3`

Now you should see your window. Now we will go back to 1 a different way:

> `<alt> + n`

takes us to the previous view, since there are only views 1 and 3, and we are on 3, the previous view is 1.

But what if we want to insert 2? Let's send a window to 2:

> `<alt> + <shift> + 2`

Now go find it:

> `<alt> + m`

takes us to the next view, which is now 2. Do it again to see 3:

> `<alt> + m`


You can read all the keybindings on the man page.
You can configure them (and lots of other things) in euclid-wm.conf.


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