xaizek / euclid-wm (License: BSD 3-Clause) (since 2018-12-07)
A minimalist, tiling window manager for X11 that seeks to allow easy management of numerous windows entirely from the keyboard.
<root> / scrots.md (18f5a2e7754b821db5e3496807ebf8b79b8ba749) (1,142B) (mode 100644) [raw]
There really isn't much to see here: euclid's minimalism goes beyond low system requirements, it also avoids taking up screen space. But just because people seem to love screenshots, here is euclid in action:
<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-scrot3.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-scrot3.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

A couple of xterms and chrome, dzen at the top, with a visible stack.<br>

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-scrot4.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-scrot4.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

A few xterms, w/dzen, and a visible stack.<br>

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-scrot1.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-scrot1.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

More xterms and chrome. No stack or dzen.<br>

<a href='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-scrot5.png'><img src='http://euclid-wm.googlegroups.com/web/euclid-wm-scrot5.png' height='160' width='256"' /> </a>

xterms, dzen, empty stack.<br>

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