xaizek / euclid-wm (License: BSD 3-Clause) (since 2018-12-07)
A minimalist, tiling window manager for X11 that seeks to allow easy management of numerous windows entirely from the keyboard.
Commit 83afb6efdb3fd8bd6877a712ccad385c10e55f23

xaizek: Fix-child-processes-of-spawned-programs
Author: William Diem
Author date (UTC): 2015-09-06 19:33
Committer name: William Diem
Committer date (UTC): 2015-09-06 19:33
Parent(s): 10412ab230b163f03d95ca32af98eddd380c6a3f
Signing key:
Tree: f630b03207a861ef153a03018bf854d176bdb005
File Lines added Lines deleted
euclid-wm.c 7 1
File euclid-wm.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 5d2d597..0027a75)
... ... void load_defaults() {
339 339 // user defined // user defined
340 340 } }
341 341
342 void spawn(char *cmd) { if (cmd == NULL || cmd[0] == '\0') {
342 void spawn(char *cmd) {
343 if (cmd == NULL || cmd[0] == '\0') {
343 344 return; return;
344 345 }; };
345 346 if (fork() == 0) { if (fork() == 0) {
346 347 if (dpy != NULL) { if (dpy != NULL) {
347 348 close(ConnectionNumber(dpy)); close(ConnectionNumber(dpy));
348 349 }; };
351 // restore default handling of SIGCHLD signal to allow shell function
352 // properly
353 signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
349 355 setsid(); setsid();
350 356 char cmd2[264]; char cmd2[264];
351 357 strcpy (&cmd2[0],"exec "); strcpy (&cmd2[0],"exec ");

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