xaizek / euclid-wm (License: BSD 3-Clause) (since 2018-12-07)
A minimalist, tiling window manager for X11 that seeks to allow easy management of numerous windows entirely from the keyboard.
Commit 6599c1dad5158d77a7552b7c4ab26280c0877ba3

make sure only one screen can have focus
Author: wmdiem
Author date (UTC): 2010-08-02 15:03
Committer name: wmdiem
Committer date (UTC): 2010-08-02 15:03
Parent(s): 225d2f0c8fd203cc4466095618d295da855f4df4
Signing key:
Tree: 93a26932040b21befb9bb774da71aa3c4db2f7aa
File Lines added Lines deleted
euclid-wm.c 13 11
File euclid-wm.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 4d356cb..7ae4b58)
... ... These lines shouldn't be necessary AS LONG AS we are hidding the stack in fs
1619 1619 h -= stackheight; h -= stackheight;
1620 1620 XMoveResizeWindow(dpy,s->v->mfocus->win->id,(-1),(-1),(w),(h)); XMoveResizeWindow(dpy,s->v->mfocus->win->id,(-1),(-1),(w),(h));
1621 1621 XRaiseWindow(dpy,s->v->mfocus->win->id); XRaiseWindow(dpy,s->v->mfocus->win->id);
1622 if (s->v->mfocus->win->take_focus == true) {
1623 XClientMessageEvent cm;
1624 memset (&cm,'\0', sizeof(cm));
1625 cm.type = ClientMessage;
1626 cm.window = s->v->mfocus->win->id;
1627 cm.message_type = wm_prot;
1628 cm.format = 32;
1629 cm.data.l[0] = wm_take_focus;
1630 cm.data.l[1] = CurrentTime;
1622 if (cs == s) {
1623 if (s->v->mfocus->win->take_focus == true) {
1624 XClientMessageEvent cm;
1625 memset (&cm,'\0', sizeof(cm));
1626 cm.type = ClientMessage;
1627 cm.window = s->v->mfocus->win->id;
1628 cm.message_type = wm_prot;
1629 cm.format = 32;
1630 cm.data.l[0] = wm_take_focus;
1631 cm.data.l[1] = CurrentTime;
1632 };
1633 XSetInputFocus(dpy,s->v->mfocus->win->id,None,CurrentTime);
1631 1634 }; };
1632 XSetInputFocus(dpy,s->v->mfocus->win->id,None,CurrentTime);
1633 1635 XSync(dpy,false); XSync(dpy,false);
1634 1636 } else { } else {
1635 1637 //first check that the tracks layout: //first check that the tracks layout:
... ... These lines shouldn't be necessary AS LONG AS we are hidding the stack in fs
1725 1727 curc->win->fullscreen = false; curc->win->fullscreen = false;
1726 1728 XChangeProperty(dpy,curc->win->id,wm_change_state,XA_ATOM,32,PropModeReplace,(unsigned char *)0,0); XChangeProperty(dpy,curc->win->id,wm_change_state,XA_ATOM,32,PropModeReplace,(unsigned char *)0,0);
1727 1729 }; };
1728 if (curc == s->v->mfocus) {
1730 if (s == cs && curc == s->v->mfocus) {
1729 1731 //set border //set border
1730 1732 XSetWindowBorder(dpy,curc->win->id,focus_pix); XSetWindowBorder(dpy,curc->win->id,focus_pix);
1731 1733 if (s->v->mfocus->win->take_focus == true) { if (s->v->mfocus->win->take_focus == true) {

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