xaizek / euclid-wm (License: BSD 3-Clause) (since 2018-12-07)
A minimalist, tiling window manager for X11 that seeks to allow easy management of numerous windows entirely from the keyboard.
Commit 328f6399165001af1ed4f87810e85f6cbe71a28b

updated config, updated makefile
Author: wmdiem
Author date (UTC): 2010-08-01 18:36
Committer name: wmdiem
Committer date (UTC): 2010-08-01 18:36
Parent(s): c90ce0e2a7a0d667b344927cf982c5280f3d83a7
Signing key:
Tree: 2aef9ff8a9594f84091e8b7362e18c73ec513573
File Lines added Lines deleted
Makefile 3 3
euclid-wm.conf.sample 4 0
File Makefile changed (mode: 100644) (index 9f8a4a9..398c38f)
... ... PREFIX = usr
2 2 SHAREDIR = ${PREFIX}/share SHAREDIR = ${PREFIX}/share
4 4 BINDIR = ${PREFIX}/bin BINDIR = ${PREFIX}/bin
5 SVNREV = 149
6 VER = 0.1.1
5 SVNREV = 159
6 VER = 0.2.a1
7 7 DIST = euclid-wm-${VER} DIST = euclid-wm-${VER}
8 8
9 9
... ... clean:
47 47
48 48 dist: dist:
49 49 mkdir ${DIST} mkdir ${DIST}
50 svn co http://euclid-wm.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ ./${DIST} -r ${SVNREV}
50 svn co http://euclid-wm.googlecode.com/svn/branches/multihead ./${DIST} -r ${SVNREV}
51 51 echo "${VER} (svn${SVNREV}/`date +%F`)" > ./${DIST}/VERSION echo "${VER} (svn${SVNREV}/`date +%F`)" > ./${DIST}/VERSION
52 52 rm -rf ${DIST}/.svn rm -rf ${DIST}/.svn
53 53 tar -cvz ${DIST} -f${DIST}.tar.gz tar -cvz ${DIST} -f${DIST}.tar.gz
File euclid-wm.conf.sample changed (mode: 100644) (index 4322d65..8918258)
... ... bind_quit = MS q
111 111 #reload these settings #reload these settings
112 112 bind_reload_config = M r bind_reload_config = M r
113 113
114 #move focus to screen (Previous and Next are the X names for PgUp and PgDown:
115 bind_goto_previous_screen = M Previous
116 bind_goto_next_screen = M Next
115 119 #euclid supports up to ten hotkeys, bound to external commands #euclid supports up to ten hotkeys, bound to external commands
116 120 #the format for the binding is: bind_custom_[01-10] = [M | MS] [keyname] (just like normal bindings #the format for the binding is: bind_custom_[01-10] = [M | MS] [keyname] (just like normal bindings

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