xaizek / euclid-wm (License: BSD 3-Clause) (since 2018-12-07)
A minimalist, tiling window manager for X11 that seeks to allow easy management of numerous windows entirely from the keyboard.
Commit 10412ab230b163f03d95ca32af98eddd380c6a3f

xaizek: Correct-fix-for-sloppy-focus-transfer
Author: William Diem
Author date (UTC): 2015-09-06 19:31
Committer name: William Diem
Committer date (UTC): 2015-09-06 19:31
Parent(s): 4204f29d36a63ff682045add4df7c1d4c6f102ac
Signing key:
Tree: 4061456aa45aa936e73a70be4f3e6d572957eea7
File Lines added Lines deleted
euclid-wm.c 2 2
File euclid-wm.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 67609ef..5d2d597)
... ... int event_loop() {
2727 2727 while (s != NULL && s->v != f->track->view) { while (s != NULL && s->v != f->track->view) {
2728 2728 s = s->next; s = s->next;
2729 2729 }; };
2730 cs = s;
2731 if (cs != NULL) {
2730 if (s != NULL) {
2731 cs = s;
2732 2732 cs->v->mfocus = f; cs->v->mfocus = f;
2733 2733 }; };
2734 2734 redraw = true; redraw = true;

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