<root> / profile (7adb8a2791758bac3d1c0c807ef37cbf4f026bc7) (1,347B) (mode 100644) [raw]
# ==============================================================================
# script load indicator


# ==============================================================================
# load bash configuration for this machine
# it is loaded at the very beginning to allow overwriting of its settings

# source ~/.bashrc file if it exists and we are actually using bash
if [ -f ~/.bashrc -a "$(basename $SHELL)" = bash ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

# ==============================================================================
# $PATH additions

# add ~/bin to $PATH
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

# ==============================================================================
# less

# ignore case in search pattern unless it contains at least one uppercase letter
export LESS="$LESS --ignore-case --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS"

# make less search for its binary configuration files at ~/.less on all
# platforms
export LESSKEY="$HOME/.less"

# ==============================================================================
# load profile local settings for this machine

# source ~/.profile_local file if it exists
if [ -f ~/.profile_local ]; then
    source ~/.profile_local

# ==============================================================================

# vim: set filetype=sh textwidth=80 syntax+=.autofold :

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