Subject SHA-1 Author Date
Make `mak` alias use all CPUs a18346f7e2af04119760dbf7f6b9222f2646a111 xaizek 2024-02-24 18:54:56
Work around libgit2's issues with parsing enslave 85f2e21c8e951b04b78b9fa478ed69c69168e700 xaizek 2023-10-29 09:38:24
Add `git tyrannize` alias 8ae76fde4652b3aa43f31696491bae1fdaceb55d xaizek 2023-10-21 11:54:09
Add `git enslave` alias b240b4487522a08e25a9a1f5b299314dd164c4e4 xaizek 2023-10-21 11:53:18
Set init.defaultBranch for Git e4ccd58d33cf391181bad6ccbf5cf31cbf4c2974 xaizek 2023-10-21 11:47:09
Update tmux.conf to newer version bf3eb46b8fabdbff3c9b92bc57ca958dbf517144 xaizek 2021-11-13 13:38:00
Switch from xclip to xsel for tmux f293dc750df75011c2974061f48e10010b0443e3 xaizek 2021-11-13 13:36:16
Fix push bash function for branches with slashes a46048db1ccd55da41e29c36573ad93e98aa046f xaizek 2021-11-13 13:34:19
Make b and B commands work with submodules 64dc033040f8c321d41142ebb139a4af3d9a2109 xaizek 2021-09-26 14:15:54
Add an alias for `bc` 13eaab75737b103210df7dcebf7f904f3f472f2b xaizek 2021-08-31 10:56:19

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