Commit fd7708e2eda3141c2be795e985b7208da4a4a882

Add `c` and `C` less shortcuts to work with filter
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-03-24 20:06
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-03-24 20:06
Parent(s): 96454a9bbf7b0dc6a85f2ba025777bf6661e2fc0
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: bfa5e6f0e66adb61893fddd4e67ced66c46a91c6
File Lines added Lines deleted
lesskey 11 0
File lesskey changed (mode: 100644) (index 59ae3fd..3138aae)
1 # ==============================================================================
2 # additional keys for command mode
4 #command
6 # reset filter to an empty value
7 c filter ^M
9 # restore last value of the filter
10 C filter ^P^M
1 12 # ============================================================================== # ==============================================================================
2 13 # shell (or Emacs) like shortcuts for the line-edit mode # shell (or Emacs) like shortcuts for the line-edit mode
3 14

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