xaizek / dit (License: GPLv3) (since 2018-12-07)
Command-line task keeper that remembers all old values and is meant to combine several orthogonal features to be rather flexible in managing items.
<root> / src / utils /
File Mode Size
Passkey.hpp 100644 1,681B
args.hpp 100644 6,174B
containers.hpp 100644 2,581B
contains.hpp 100644 2,599B
fs.hpp 100644 1,842B
getLines.hpp 100644 3,507B
memory.hpp 100644 1,200B
opts.cpp 100644 1,362B
opts.hpp 100644 1,290B
propsRange.hpp 100644 4,805B
strings.hpp 100644 2,015B
time.hpp 100644 1,657B

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