<root> / vimhelp.css (b92f736b8e514c2edd97507b3ed4511376768359) (1,093B) (mode 100644) [raw]
// Based on https://github.com/c4rlo/vimhelp/blob/b0cab7cbac937cdda156efce0fa4d1b1d4b30ff6/static/vimhelp.css
// by Carlo Teubner <(first name) dot (last name) at gmail dot com>.

body { font-family: georgia, palatino, serif }

pre { font-size: 11pt }

/* hidden links */
a.d:link, a.d:visited { color: rgb(0,0,0); text-decoration: none; }
a.d:active, a.d:hover { color: rgb(0,0,0); text-decoration: underline; }

/* standard links */
a.l:link { color: rgb(0,137,139); }
a.l:visited { color: rgb(0,100,100); }
a.l:active, a.l:hover { color: rgb(0,200,200); }

/* title */
.i { color: rgb(0, 137, 139); }

/* tag */
.t { color: rgb(250,0,250); }

/* header */
.h { color: rgb(164, 32, 246); }

/* keystroke */
.k { color: rgb(106, 89, 205); }

/* example */
.e { color: rgb(0, 0, 255); }

/* special (used for various) */
.s { color: rgb(106, 89, 205); }

/* note */
.n { color: blue; background-color: yellow; }

/* option */
.o { color: rgb(46, 139, 87); font-weight: bold; }

/* section */
.c { color: rgb(165, 42, 42); font-weight: bold; }

/* external url */
.u { color: rgb(250,0,250); }

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