xaizek / vim-preamble (License: Unspecified) (since 2018-12-07)
Preamble Vim plugin by Mel Davis with a couple of fixes.
Commit f840700a73c603883abba5cece839974fcad6649

Update the README
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2014-11-02 16:12
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2014-11-02 16:12
Parent(s): e9544b6349f7edef5c2a4846c5a1fdb822cfc199
Signing key:
Tree: 422fdb8a9a9d8187a9573f9f3968b4c167cbf8c2
File Lines added Lines deleted
File README changed (mode: 100644) (index 9b01e2b..274da38)
1 ### Motivation
1 3 This plugin will automatically fold long preambles, such as GPL copyright This plugin will automatically fold long preambles, such as GPL copyright
2 4 notices, located at the head of source files. You may find it helpful if, notices, located at the head of source files. You may find it helpful if,
3 5 like me, you use syntax folding infrequently. like me, you use syntax folding infrequently.
... ... functions and read the comments but not the 50 lines of licensing and
8 10 copyright notices that head every file. Because these are third-party copyright notices that head every file. Because these are third-party
9 11 sources, I do not want to modify the files to include Vim fold markers. sources, I do not want to modify the files to include Vim fold markers.
10 12
13 ### What it does
12 14
13 15 This plugin does not use fold markers and does not modify files. This plugin does not use fold markers and does not modify files.
14 16 It adds the fold by changing the foldmethod to "manual" and inserting a It adds the fold by changing the foldmethod to "manual" and inserting a
... ... not having a comment in the first column.
25 27
26 28 Note: If the preamble uses 'c' style comments without a border of characters Note: If the preamble uses 'c' style comments without a border of characters
27 29 in column 1 the preamble will not be recognized. in column 1 the preamble will not be recognized.
31 ### Usage
33 For automatic folding, add a line to your .vimrc file, such as:
35 ```vim
36 call Preamble#Enable('*.c,*.h,*.cpp,*.hpp,*.cs,*.py')
37 ```
39 For more info on usage and options, use:
41 ```vim
42 :help preamble
43 ```

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