xaizek / vim-preamble (License: Unspecified) (since 2018-12-07)
Preamble Vim plugin by Mel Davis with a couple of fixes.
Commit 313e0638a0aad996bb5bc81716a2fa02f4dce16b

Add support for enabling by filetype
Instead of Preamble#Enable('*.c'), now it is just Preamble#Enable('c')
Author: Andrew Chen
Author date (UTC): 2015-10-31 01:47
Committer name: Andrew Chen
Committer date (UTC): 2015-10-31 01:47
Parent(s): 16589b3a5f727ca7b0dad778e8cd6ed7649ef711
Signing key:
Tree: 8a1c2333e722b75d7c305ce9bf876a5e1f900f83
File Lines added Lines deleted
README.md 1 1
autoload/Preamble.vim 1 1
File README.md changed (mode: 100644) (index 274da38..730e010)
... ... in column 1 the preamble will not be recognized.
33 33 For automatic folding, add a line to your .vimrc file, such as: For automatic folding, add a line to your .vimrc file, such as:
34 34
35 35 ```vim ```vim
36 call Preamble#Enable('*.c,*.h,*.cpp,*.hpp,*.cs,*.py')
36 call Preamble#Enable('c,cpp,cs,py')
37 37 ``` ```
38 38
39 39 For more info on usage and options, use: For more info on usage and options, use:
File autoload/Preamble.vim changed (mode: 100644) (index d9d06e4..85227d0)
... ... fun! Preamble#Enable(filetypes)
27 27 if a:filetypes == "" | return | endif if a:filetypes == "" | return | endif
28 28
29 29 augroup AugroupPreamble augroup AugroupPreamble
30 execute 'au BufWinEnter' a:filetypes 'call Preamble#Fold()'
30 execute 'au BufWinEnter,FileType' a:filetypes 'call Preamble#Fold()'
31 31 augroup END augroup END
32 32 endfunction endfunction
33 33

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