xaizek / vim-preamble (License: Unspecified) (since 2018-12-07)
Preamble Vim plugin by Mel Davis with a couple of fixes.
Commit 16589b3a5f727ca7b0dad778e8cd6ed7649ef711

Fix documentated default for preamble_min_lines
Author: Andrew Chen
Author date (UTC): 2015-10-31 01:45
Committer name: Andrew Chen
Committer date (UTC): 2015-10-31 01:45
Parent(s): 0fe75e8f7fbf5db1d41a4261eb27acf079f934cf
Signing key:
Tree: af3b14edc59cd11e65e10760e365d017beda0bc6
File Lines added Lines deleted
doc/Preamble.txt 1 1
File doc/Preamble.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 98ae318..bdecc70)
... ... precedence over global.
85 85 preamble_min_lines: Sets the minimum size of a preamble. preamble_min_lines: Sets the minimum size of a preamble.
86 86
87 87 Type: Integer Type: Integer
88 Default: 50
88 Default: 25
89 89
90 90 If the preamble size is less, no fold will be created. If the preamble size is less, no fold will be created.
91 91

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