xaizek / vim-includefixer (License: BSLv1) (since 2018-12-07)
Vim plugin to automatically categorize and alphabetize #include headers
Commit 98feeefda58bec0c14eeb94060383ad3bab6d143

Reenable global variable
Author: Deon Poncini
Author date (UTC): 2013-12-15 01:42
Committer name: Deon Poncini
Committer date (UTC): 2013-12-15 01:42
Parent(s): 40c5d0dc6746b7cd3525303387384ced4d0e1224
Signing key:
Tree: edb7cdb54e08b68b6fa4940c6d8ea9c4298fa530
File Lines added Lines deleted
plugin/includefixer.vim 3 3
File plugin/includefixer.vim changed (mode: 100644) (index 53694ac..b09b3df)
2 2 " Maintainer: Deon Poncini " Maintainer: Deon Poncini
3 3 " Version: 0.1 " Version: 0.1
4 4
5 "if exists('g:loaded_include_fixer')
6 " finish
7 "endif
5 if exists('g:loaded_include_fixer')
6 finish
7 endif
8 8 let g:loaded_include_fixer = 1 let g:loaded_include_fixer = 1
9 9
10 10 let s:cstd = ["assert", let s:cstd = ["assert",

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