xaizek / vim-includefixer (License: BSLv1) (since 2018-12-07)
Vim plugin to automatically categorize and alphabetize #include headers
Commit 36a335ed6526d2cd1077bc3fedcffed003756992

Customize order of include groups
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2016-09-03 19:57
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2016-09-03 19:57
Parent(s): ef8428ac05ea91fcced5350ea6be6b5e00e7fcb1
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 5cb17464dad738bc59356ebfe38c901ecabed09d
File Lines added Lines deleted
plugin/includefixer.vim 5 6
File plugin/includefixer.vim changed (mode: 100644) (index c5fb7d0..d7ad3e3)
... ... function! s:FixIncludes()
269 269 " write out all the groups " write out all the groups
270 270 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:start,l:module) let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:start,l:module)
271 271 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:system) let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:system)
272 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:local)
272 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:cstd)
273 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:cxxstd)
274 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:boost)
275 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:qt)
273 276
274 277 let l:i = 0 let l:i = 0
275 278 while l:i < len(l:custom) while l:i < len(l:custom)
... ... function! s:FixIncludes()
277 280 let l:i = l:i + 1 let l:i = l:i + 1
278 281 endwhile endwhile
279 282
280 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:boost)
281 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:qt)
282 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:cstd)
283 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:cxxstd)
283 let l:next = <SID>WriteOut(l:next,l:local)
285 284 endfunction endfunction
286 285
287 286 command! FixIncludes call <SID>FixIncludes() command! FixIncludes call <SID>FixIncludes()

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