<root> / src / vifm.txt (1ce64e9a4fa1bdec334b2cec57b134a40afbed00) (9,711B) (mode 100644) [raw]

|Filters|      Using the file filters.
|Commands|     How to use and set :commands.
|Configure|    Configuration of vifm.
|Marks|        Bookmarking of files.
|Movement|     How to move around.
|Normal|       Normal mode keys.
|Options|      Command line arguments.
|Plugin|       Using the vifm.vim plugin.
|Reserved|     List of reserved commands.
|Vifm_Ranges|  How to use ranges in vifm.


Commands are set with :com command_name command_action<Return>
:com! command_name command_action - will overwrite a previously set command.
:delc[ommand] command_name - will remove the command.

Commands are executed with :command_name<Return>
	Command names do not have to start with a capital letter.
	Trying to use a reserved command name will result in an error msg.  
	See |Reserved| for a list of reserved command names.

:com<Return> creates a menu of user commands.

The builtin commands are:

:!program - shellout and execute program.
:!!program - same as :! but will pause before returning.
  This will be changed for compatibility with vim. 
  :!! - repeat the last command.
  :!!program - will pause before returning.
:apropos manpage - will create a menu of items returned by the apropos
  command.  Selecting an item in the menu will open the corresponding 
:ch[ange] - create a menu window to alter a files properties. 
:cd - change to your home directory.
	:cd /usr/local - change directory to /usr/local.
:[range]d[elete][count] - delete selected file or files.
	See |Vifm_Ranges| for the ranges implemented.
:delc[ommand] user_command - remove user_command.
:e[dit} - will load the selected file or files into vi.
:em[pty] - permanently remove files from the ~/.vifm/Trash directory.
:f[ilter] regular_expression - will filter files matching the pattern out of
	the directory.  See |Filters|
:file - popup menu of programs set for the file type of the current file.
:h[elp] - show this help file.
	:h argument - is the same as using ':h argument' in vim.
:his[tory] - show directory history.
:invert - invert file name filter.
:jobs - shows menu of current backgrounded processes.
:locate filename - uses the locate command to create a menu of filenames
  Selecting a file from the menu will reload the current file list in vifm 
	to show the selected file.
:marks - menu of bookmarks.
:o[nly] - switch to a one window view.
:pwd - show the present working directory.
:q[uit] or :x  - will exit vifm.
:sh[ell] - will start a shell.
:sc[reen] - toggles whether to use the screen program or not.
:s[ort] - menu of different sorting methods.
:sp[lit] - switch to a two window view. 
:sy[nc] - change the other panel to the current panels directory.
:vi[ew] - toggle on and off the quick file view.
:x - exit vifm.

command macros:
  %a user arguments.
  %f all of the selected files.
  %F all of the selected files in the other directory list.
  %d current directory name.
  %D other file list directory name.

The command macros may be used in user commands.
:com move mv %f %D - would set the :move command to move all of the files 
selected in the current directory to the other directory.

The %a macro will substitute any arguments given in a command into the
command.  All arguments are considered optional.
:com lsl !!ls -l %a - will set the lsl command to execute ls -l with or
without an argument. 

:lsl<Return> will list the directory contents of the current directory.
:lsl filename<Return> will list only the given filename.

The macros can also be used in directly executing commands.
:!mv %f %D - would move the current directory selected files to the other

Appending & to the end of a command will cause it to be executed in the

:!mv %f %D & 


There are two basic file filters.  One for dot files and one for file names.

The basic vim folding key-bindings are used for filters.
za - toggles the showing and hiding of dot files.
zo - show the dot files.
zf - add the selected files to the file name filter.
zm - hide the dot files.
zO - show the hidden file name files.
zM - restore all filters.
zR - remove all filters.


:marks - will create a menu of the current marks.
m[letter] will set a mark at the current cursor position. 
'[letter] will move to a mark.


k is up
j is down

h is up directory
l is handle file and is the same as Return

gg will move to the first line of the file list.

G will move to the last line in the file list.

Space or Tab to switch file lists.

Most movement commands also accept a count 12j would move down 12 files.
[count]% move to percent of the file list.
[count]j move down count files.
[count]k move up count files.
[count]G or gg move to list position count.


/regular expression. - select files matching regular expression.
H - move to the first file in the window.
L - move to the last file in the window.
M - move to the file in the middle of the window.
N - previous file matching last search pattern.
cw - change word is used to rename a file.
dd - move selected file or files to ~/.vifm/Trash
yy, Y  - yank selected files.
p - put last selected files.
n - next file matching last search pattern.
s - open a shell - this is temporary and will be removed.
t - select or unselect a file.
v, V - start visual selection of files.


The vifm executable will start vifm in the current directory unless it is
given a different directory on the command line.

vifm /path/to/directory/one
vifm /path/to/directory/one /path/to/directory/two

The only other command line arguments are:
-f - only used from the vifm.vim script.  The selected files are written 
	to ~/.vifm/vimfiles and vifm exits.

--help - show a brief command summary and exit vifm.
--version - show the version number of vifm and exit.


The ~/.vifm/vifmrc file contains all the configurable settings.  It is
commented and you must edit it by hand to change the settings.

The :screen command toggles whether to use the screen program or not. 

	The default configuration has the screen option turned off.  The screen 
	program uses pseudo terminals to allow multiple windows to be used in 
	the console or in a single xterm.  Starting vifm from screen with the 
	screen option turned on will cause vifm to open a new screen window for
	each new file edited or program launched from vifm.  
	This requires screen version 3.9.9 or newer for the screen -X argument.

*Plugin*  Plugin for using vifm in vim as a file selector.


  :EditVifm  select a file to open in the current buffer.
  :SplitVifm split buffer and select a file to open.
  :VsplitVifm vertically split buffer and select a file to open.
  :DiffVifm select a file to compare to the current file with :vert diffsplit.

The plugin does not have any settings.

To use the plugin copy the vifm.vim file to either the system wide vim/plugin 
directory or into ~/.vim/plugin.

If you would prefer not to use the plugin and it is in the system wide plugin 
directory add

let loaded_vifm=1

to your ~/.vimrc file.

The ranges implemented include:
  Numbers :2,3
  % - the entire directory.
  . - the current position in the filelist.
  $ - the end of the filelist.
  't - the mark position t.

  :%delete would delete all files in the directory.
  :2,4delete would delete the files in the list positions 2 through 4.
  :.,$delete would delete the files from the current position to the end 
    of the filelist.
  :3delete4 would delete the files in the list positions 3, 4, 5, 6.

If a backward range is given :4,2delete - an error message is given and 
the operation is abandoned.

The only builtin command that accepts a range is :delete.


The following command names are reserved and cannot be used for user commands.

  ! - shellout and execute command.
	apropos - run the apropos command in a menu window.
  cd - change directory
  change - alter a files properties
  cmap - not used will be used for key mapping.
  colorscheme - will be used to set a colorscheme for a directory.
  command - show user commands.
  delete - delete file.
  delcommand - delete command.
  edit - edit file.
  empty - empty trash directory.
  filter - set file name filter.
  file - show filetypes menu.
  find - not yet implemented.
  help - show help file.
  history - show directory history.
  invert - invert file filter.
	locate - run the locate command in a menu window.
  map - not used will be used with key mapping.
  marks - show marks.
  nmap - not used will be used with key mapping.
  noh - 
  pwd - show present working directory.
  quit - exit vifm.
  screen - toggles use of screen program.
  shell - shellout.
  sort - show sort menu.
  unmap - not used will be used with key mapping.
  view - toggle on and off the quick file view.
  vifm - not used saved for possible menu.
  vmap - not used will be used for key mapping.
  x - exit vifm.


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