xaizek / vifm-pdcurses (License: mostly public domain) (since 2019-03-20)
PDCurses 3.4 with vifm-specific patches applied (a couple were upstreamed)
<root> / sdl1 /
File Mode Size
Makefile 100644 2,105B
Makefile.mng 100644 2,076B
README 100644 1,003B
deffont.h 100644 26KiB
deficon.h 100644 1,318B
pdcclip.c 100644 3,728B
pdcdisp.c 100644 7,511B
pdcgetsc.c 100644 550B
pdckbd.c 100644 11KiB
pdcscrn.c 100644 6,577B
pdcsdl.h 100644 1,132B
pdcsetsc.c 100644 1,831B
pdcutil.c 100644 356B
sdltest.c 100644 1,765B

PDCurses for SDL

This is a port of PDCurses for SDL.


. On *nix (including Linux and Mac OS X), run "make" in the sdl1
  directory. There is no configure script (yet?) for this port. This
  assumes a working sdl-config, and GNU make. It builds the library 
  libpdcurses.a (dynamic lib not implemented).

  With MinGW, run "make -f Makefile.mng". This assumes SDL is installed
  in the standard directories. The MinGW makefile accepts the optional
  parameters "DLL=Y" and "DEBUG=Y", as with the console version. (Wide-
  character support is not yet implemented for SDL.) Both makefiles
  recognize the optional PDCURSES_SRCDIR environment variable, as with
  the console ports. Makefile.mng builds libpdcurses.a, along with 
  pdcurses.dll, if specified.

Distribution Status

The files in this directory are released to the Public Domain.


SDL port was provided by William McBrine <wmcbrine@users.sf.net>

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