xaizek / vifm-pdcurses (License: mostly public domain) (since 2019-03-20)
PDCurses 3.4 with vifm-specific patches applied (a couple were upstreamed)
<root> / pdcurses / initscr.c (ebaac3480f5c6168003a4330327603e6b6015f2b) (9,850B) (mode 100644) [raw]
/* Public Domain Curses */

#include <curspriv.h>

RCSID("$Id: initscr.c,v 1.114 2008/07/13 16:08:18 wmcbrine Exp $")


  Name:                                                         initscr

        WINDOW *initscr(void);
        WINDOW *Xinitscr(int argc, char *argv[]);
        int endwin(void);
        bool isendwin(void);
        SCREEN *newterm(const char *type, FILE *outfd, FILE *infd);
        SCREEN *set_term(SCREEN *new);
        void delscreen(SCREEN *sp);

        int resize_term(int nlines, int ncols);
        bool is_termresized(void);
        const char *curses_version(void);

        initscr() should be the first curses routine called.  It will 
        initialize all curses data structures, and arrange that the 
        first call to refresh() will clear the screen.  In case of 
        error, initscr() will write a message to standard error and end 
        the program.

        endwin() should be called before exiting or escaping from curses 
        mode temporarily.  It will restore tty modes, move the cursor to 
        the lower left corner of the screen and reset the terminal into 
        the proper non-visual mode.  To resume curses after a temporary 
        escape, call refresh() or doupdate().

        isendwin() returns TRUE if endwin() has been called without a 
        subsequent refresh, unless SP is NULL.

        In some implementations of curses, newterm() allows the use of 
        multiple terminals. Here, it's just an alternative interface for 
        initscr(). It always returns SP, or NULL.

        delscreen() frees the memory allocated by newterm() or
        initscr(), since it's not freed by endwin(). This function is
        usually not needed. In PDCurses, the parameter must be the
        value of SP, and delscreen() sets SP to NULL.

        set_term() does nothing meaningful in PDCurses, but is included 
        for compatibility with other curses implementations.

        resize_term() is effectively two functions: When called with 
        nonzero values for nlines and ncols, it attempts to resize the 
        screen to the given size. When called with (0, 0), it merely 
        adjusts the internal structures to match the current size after 
        the screen is resized by the user. On the currently supported 
        platforms, this functionality is mutually exclusive: X11 allows 
        user resizing, while DOS, OS/2 and Win32 allow programmatic 
        resizing. If you want to support user resizing, you should check 
        for getch() returning KEY_RESIZE, and/or call is_termresized() 
        at appropriate times; if either condition occurs, call 
        resize_term(0, 0). Then, with either user or programmatic 
        resizing, you'll have to resize any windows you've created, as 
        appropriate; resize_term() only handles stdscr and curscr.

        is_termresized() returns TRUE if the curses screen has been
        resized by the user, and a call to resize_term() is needed. 
        Checking for KEY_RESIZE is generally preferable, unless you're 
        not handling the keyboard.

        curses_version() returns a string describing the version of 

  Return Value:
        All functions return NULL on error, except endwin(), which
        returns ERR on error.

  Portability                                X/Open    BSD    SYS V
        initscr                                 Y       Y       Y
        endwin                                  Y       Y       Y
        isendwin                                Y       -      3.0
        newterm                                 Y       -       Y
        set_term                                Y       -       Y
        delscreen                               Y       -      4.0
        resize_term                             -       -       -
        is_termresized                          -       -       -
        curses_version                          -       -       -


#include <stdlib.h>

char ttytype[128];

const char *_curses_notice = "PDCurses 3.4 - Public Domain 2008";

SCREEN *SP = (SCREEN*)NULL;           /* curses variables */
WINDOW *curscr = (WINDOW *)NULL;      /* the current screen image */
WINDOW *stdscr = (WINDOW *)NULL;      /* the default screen window */
WINDOW *pdc_lastscr = (WINDOW *)NULL; /* the last screen image */

int LINES = 0;                        /* current terminal height */
int COLS = 0;                         /* current terminal width */
int TABSIZE = 8;

MOUSE_STATUS Mouse_status, pdc_mouse_status;

extern RIPPEDOFFLINE linesripped[5];
extern char linesrippedoff;

WINDOW *Xinitscr(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;

    PDC_LOG(("Xinitscr() - called\n"));

    if (SP && SP->alive)
        return NULL;

    if (PDC_scr_open(argc, argv) == ERR)
        fprintf(stderr, "initscr(): Unable to create SP\n");

    SP->autocr = TRUE;       /* cr -> lf by default */
    SP->raw_out = FALSE;     /* tty I/O modes */
    SP->raw_inp = FALSE;     /* tty I/O modes */
    SP->cbreak = TRUE;
    SP->save_key_modifiers = FALSE;
    SP->return_key_modifiers = FALSE;
    SP->echo = TRUE;
    SP->visibility = 1;
    SP->resized = FALSE;
    SP->_trap_mbe = 0L;
    SP->_map_mbe_to_key = 0L;
    SP->linesrippedoff = 0;
    SP->linesrippedoffontop = 0;
    SP->delaytenths = 0;
    SP->line_color = -1;

    SP->orig_cursor = PDC_get_cursor_mode();

    LINES = SP->lines;
    COLS = SP->cols;

    if (LINES < 2 || COLS < 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "initscr(): LINES=%d COLS=%d: too small.\n",
                LINES, COLS);

    if ((curscr = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0)) == (WINDOW *)NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "initscr(): Unable to create curscr.\n");

    if ((pdc_lastscr = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0)) == (WINDOW *)NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "initscr(): Unable to create pdc_lastscr.\n");

    wattrset(pdc_lastscr, (chtype)(-1));

    LINES -= SP->slklines;

    /* We have to sort out ripped off lines here, and reduce the height 
       of stdscr by the number of lines ripped off */

    for (i = 0; i < linesrippedoff; i++)
        if (linesripped[i].line < 0)
            (*linesripped[i].init)(newwin(1, COLS, LINES - 1, 0), COLS);
            (*linesripped[i].init)(newwin(1, COLS,
                                   SP->linesrippedoffontop++, 0), COLS);


    linesrippedoff = 0;

    if (!(stdscr = newwin(LINES, COLS, SP->linesrippedoffontop, 0)))
        fprintf(stderr, "initscr(): Unable to create stdscr.\n");


    /* If preserving the existing screen, don't allow a screen clear */

    if (SP->_preserve)
        stdscr->_clear = FALSE;
        curscr->_clear = FALSE;
        curscr->_clear = TRUE;

    PDC_init_atrtab();  /* set up default colors */

    Mouse_status.changes = 0;

    SP->alive = TRUE;


    sprintf(ttytype, "pdcurses|PDCurses for %s", PDC_sysname());

    return stdscr;

WINDOW *initscr(void)
    PDC_LOG(("initscr() - called\n"));

    return Xinitscr(0, NULL);

int endwin(void)
    PDC_LOG(("endwin() - called\n"));

    /* Allow temporary exit from curses using endwin() */


    SP->alive = FALSE;

    return OK;

bool isendwin(void)
    PDC_LOG(("isendwin() - called\n"));
    return SP ? !(SP->alive) : FALSE;

SCREEN *newterm(const char *type, FILE *outfd, FILE *infd)
    PDC_LOG(("newterm() - called\n"));

    return Xinitscr(0, NULL) ? SP : NULL;

SCREEN *set_term(SCREEN *new)
    PDC_LOG(("set_term() - called\n"));

    /* We only support one screen */

    return (new == SP) ? SP : NULL;

void delscreen(SCREEN *sp)
    PDC_LOG(("delscreen() - called\n"));

    if (sp != SP)

    PDC_slk_free();     /* free the soft label keys, if needed */

    stdscr = (WINDOW *)NULL;
    curscr = (WINDOW *)NULL;
    pdc_lastscr = (WINDOW *)NULL;

    SP->alive = FALSE;

    PDC_scr_free();     /* free SP and pdc_atrtab */

    SP = (SCREEN *)NULL;

int resize_term(int nlines, int ncols)
    PDC_LOG(("resize_term() - called: nlines %d\n", nlines));

    if (!stdscr || PDC_resize_screen(nlines, ncols) == ERR)
        return ERR;

    SP->lines = PDC_get_rows();
    LINES = SP->lines - SP->linesrippedoff - SP->slklines;
    SP->cols = COLS = PDC_get_columns();

    if (wresize(curscr, SP->lines, SP->cols) == ERR ||
        wresize(stdscr, LINES, COLS) == ERR ||
        wresize(pdc_lastscr, SP->lines, SP->cols) == ERR)
        return ERR;

    curscr->_clear = TRUE;

    if (SP->slk_winptr)
        if (wresize(SP->slk_winptr, SP->slklines, COLS) == ERR)
            return ERR;

        wmove(SP->slk_winptr, 0, 0);


    return OK;

bool is_termresized(void)
    PDC_LOG(("is_termresized() - called\n"));

    return SP->resized
        || SP->lines != PDC_get_rows()
        || SP->cols != PDC_get_columns();

const char *curses_version(void)
    return _curses_notice;

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