/* Public Domain Curses */
#include <curspriv.h>
RCSID("$Id: deleteln.c,v 1.35 2008/07/13 16:08:18 wmcbrine Exp $")
Name: deleteln
int deleteln(void);
int wdeleteln(WINDOW *win);
int insdelln(int n);
int winsdelln(WINDOW *win, int n);
int insertln(void);
int winsertln(WINDOW *win);
int mvdeleteln(int y, int x);
int mvwdeleteln(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
int mvinsertln(int y, int x);
int mvwinsertln(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
With the deleteln() and wdeleteln() functions, the line under
the cursor in the window is deleted. All lines below the
current line are moved up one line. The bottom line of the
window is cleared. The cursor position does not change.
With the insertln() and winsertn() functions, a blank line is
inserted above the current line and the bottom line is lost.
mvdeleteln(), mvwdeleteln(), mvinsertln() and mvwinsertln()
allow moving the cursor and inserting/deleting in one call.
Return Value:
All functions return OK on success and ERR on error.
Portability X/Open BSD SYS V
deleteln Y Y Y
wdeleteln Y Y Y
mvdeleteln - - -
mvwdeleteln - - -
insdelln Y - 4.0
winsdelln Y - 4.0
insertln Y Y Y
winsertln Y Y Y
mvinsertln - - -
mvwinsertln - - -
int wdeleteln(WINDOW *win)
chtype blank, *temp, *ptr;
int y;
PDC_LOG(("wdeleteln() - called\n"));
if (!win)
return ERR;
/* wrs (4/10/93) account for window background */
blank = win->_bkgd;
temp = win->_y[win->_cury];
for (y = win->_cury; y < win->_bmarg; y++)
win->_y[y] = win->_y[y + 1];
win->_firstch[y] = 0;
win->_lastch[y] = win->_maxx - 1;
for (ptr = temp; (ptr - temp < win->_maxx); ptr++)
*ptr = blank; /* make a blank line */
if (win->_cury <= win->_bmarg)
win->_firstch[win->_bmarg] = 0;
win->_lastch[win->_bmarg] = win->_maxx - 1;
win->_y[win->_bmarg] = temp;
return OK;
int deleteln(void)
PDC_LOG(("deleteln() - called\n"));
return wdeleteln(stdscr);
int mvdeleteln(int y, int x)
PDC_LOG(("mvdeleteln() - called\n"));
if (move(y, x) == ERR)
return ERR;
return wdeleteln(stdscr);
int mvwdeleteln(WINDOW *win, int y, int x)
PDC_LOG(("mvwdeleteln() - called\n"));
if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR)
return ERR;
return wdeleteln(win);
int winsdelln(WINDOW *win, int n)
int i;
PDC_LOG(("winsdelln() - called\n"));
if (!win)
return ERR;
if (n > 0)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (winsertln(win) == ERR)
return ERR;
else if (n < 0)
n = -n;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (wdeleteln(win) == ERR)
return ERR;
return OK;
int insdelln(int n)
PDC_LOG(("insdelln() - called\n"));
return winsdelln(stdscr, n);
int winsertln(WINDOW *win)
chtype blank, *temp, *end;
int y;
PDC_LOG(("winsertln() - called\n"));
if (!win)
return ERR;
/* wrs (4/10/93) account for window background */
blank = win->_bkgd;
temp = win->_y[win->_maxy - 1];
for (y = win->_maxy - 1; y > win->_cury; y--)
win->_y[y] = win->_y[y - 1];
win->_firstch[y] = 0;
win->_lastch[y] = win->_maxx - 1;
win->_y[win->_cury] = temp;
for (end = &temp[win->_maxx - 1]; temp <= end; temp++)
*temp = blank;
win->_firstch[win->_cury] = 0;
win->_lastch[win->_cury] = win->_maxx - 1;
return OK;
int insertln(void)
PDC_LOG(("insertln() - called\n"));
return winsertln(stdscr);
int mvinsertln(int y, int x)
PDC_LOG(("mvinsertln() - called\n"));
if (move(y, x) == ERR)
return ERR;
return winsertln(stdscr);
int mvwinsertln(WINDOW *win, int y, int x)
PDC_LOG(("mvwinsertln() - called\n"));
if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR)
return ERR;
return winsertln(win);
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