xaizek / vifm-pdcurses (License: mostly public domain) (since 2019-03-20)
PDCurses 3.4 with vifm-specific patches applied (a couple were upstreamed)
<root> / dos / wccdos4g.mak (e1ba1cdeca6f876a7b816d37801e77a3e8a8030d) (970B) (mode 100644) [raw]
# Watcom WMAKE Makefile for PDCurses library - DOS/4GW Watcom C/C++ 10.6+
# Usage: wmake -f [path\]wccdos4g.mak [DEBUG=Y] [target]
# where target can be any of:
# [all|demos|pdcurses.lib|testcurs.exe...]


!include $(PDCURSES_SRCDIR)\version.mif

osdir		= $(PDCURSES_SRCDIR)\dos

CC		= wcc386
TARGET		= dos4g

CFLAGS		= /bt=$(TARGET) /zq /wx /mf /i=$(PDCURSES_SRCDIR)

!ifeq DEBUG Y
LDFLAGS 	= D W A op q sys $(TARGET)
CFLAGS  	+= /oneatx
LDFLAGS 	= op q sys $(TARGET)

LIBEXE		= wlib /q /n /t

!include $(PDCURSES_SRCDIR)\watcom.mif

	%write wccdos.lrf $(LIBOBJS) $(PDCOBJS)
	$(LIBEXE) $@ @wccdos.lrf
	-del wccdos.lrf
	-copy $(LIBCURSES) panel.lib

PLATFORM1	= Watcom C++ 32-bit DOS
PLATFORM2	= Open Watcom 1.6 for 32-bit DOS
ARCNAME		= pdc$(VER)32w

!include $(PDCURSES_SRCDIR)\makedist.mif

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