xaizek / vifm-pdcurses (License: mostly public domain) (since 2019-03-20)
PDCurses 3.4 with vifm-specific patches applied (a couple were upstreamed)
Commit f791b1fc8bd296e98e0c36e8cf91d944126bd91d

New location.
Author: William McBrine
Author date (UTC): 2019-01-30 15:32
Committer name: William McBrine
Committer date (UTC): 2019-01-30 15:32
Parent(s): 565b258a9fd0fbd50c0695313421f37544e25fac
Signing key:
Tree: 1a695666ce185320bcd442f2945010839dd36498
File Lines added Lines deleted
common/deficon.h 1 1
File common/deficon.h changed (mode: 100644) (index 47120a0f..8e22ed2c)
1 /* The PDCurses logo as #include'able BMP (from ../x11/little_icon.xbm),
1 /* The PDCurses logo as #include'able BMP (from little_icon.xbm),
2 2 for use by SDL. */ for use by SDL. */
3 3
4 4 unsigned char deficon[] = unsigned char deficon[] =

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