xaizek / vide (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Graphical predecessor of vifm that uses GTK+.
<root> / src / vide0.5.2.txt (cc0b1ead1f8218363c0b5fa8c16c30b959fd22b9) (6,111B) (mode 100644) [raw]

The basic vi keybindings are used to move through the file lists and menus.

	j - moves down
	k - moves up
	l - moves right
	h - moves left
	ctrl f  moves forward one page
	ctrl b moves back one page

	gg moves to the top of the list
	G moves to the bottom of the list

	dd moves the selected file to the trash directory.

	u - moves up one directory
	return or enter moves into a directory or executes the default action
		when a file is selected.  

	p creates a popup menu for the type of file selected.
	P creates a popup menu of user defined programs.

	m (letter) will set a bookmark for the letter. ma will set a bookmark for
	the selected file under mark a.

	t will tag or untag a file.  Files that are tagged will be acted on with 
	the next command.  Either a : command like :d or a command selected from 
	the Commands list.  If you change directories or alter the current 
	directory the tag list will be reset.

	' (letter) will goto the file of the set mark. 'a will goto the file set
	with ma.
	'' will goto the previous directory

	The tab or space key moves between the file lists and command list.

	The main menu is activated with meta or alt key + the underlined letter.
	You can move through the menus with the j,k,l,h keys.  If you activate 
	the menu and don't want to select anything just select Cancel under the 
	Vide menu or Ctrl c + return.

	Ctrl+ G will display the file properties in the status bar.
			- name of the selected file
			- size of the file
			- modification time of the file
			- access permissions of the file
			- user id and group id separated by a colon
			- total number of files in directory.
	/ + regular expression pattern will highlight all files matching the pattern. 
		/\.c$ will highlight all .c files in the current directory.
		/~$ will highlight all vim backup files in the current directory.
	/[Return] will use the last regular expression search
	n will goto the next file matching the last pattern search.
	N will goto the previous file matching the last pattern search.

	: will enter command mode.
		:d[elete] will move selected file to the trash.
		:h will start vim with this help file.
		:co[py] will copy the selected file to the other directory.
		:m[ove] will move the selected file to the other directory.
		:q quit vide.
		:ls will create a popup menu showing all the notebook pages.  Selecting 
			a menu item will jump to that notebook page.
		:sh[ell] will start a term in the current directory.
		:! + command will execute the command in a new vide term.  
			:!top will execute the top program in a new notebook page.
		:!! + command will execute pauseme + command in a new vide term.
		:grep <args> will execute vim +"grep <args>".
				This will only work when you use vim as your editor.
		:0 will goto the top of the current file list.
		:sb will change the other filelist to either the current directory
			or a specified path.
			:sb	will change the other filelist to the current directory
			:sb /usr/local will change the other filelist to the path specified
		:cd will change the current filelist to your home directory or to a
			specified path.
			:cd /usr/local - will change the current filelist to /usr/local.
			:cd will change the current filelist to your home directory.
		:marks will activate the Bookmarks menu.
		:com will activate a popup menu of user defined commands.
		:com [name] [action] will set a new user command.
			The following macros can be used to set user commands.
				%f will be replaced with all of the currently selected files.
				%d will be replaced with the current directory.
				%D will be replaced with the other directory.
				%{Prompt string} will create a dialog window with the prompt string.
				! followed by a command will execute that command inside a vide 
		:delc will create a popup menu that will remove the user command selected.
		:exe will execute a program.
			Please note if the program requires a console it must be executed in
			a terminal.
			:com ps exe rxvt -e top
			:com ps !top
		:/[pattern] will select files matching the [pattern]
			This allows complex or frequent pattern searches to be set as a user
			:com backup /~$
			lets you select all vim backup files with the :backup command
		:his[tory] will create a popup menu of the last ten directories in each
			file list.
		:on[ly] will hide the command list and the other file list.
		:new will show the hidden lists.

		Filters can be set from the Options menu.  The file name filter can 
			be set from the :command.

		:set filter [pattern] will set the file list to only show files matching
			the pattern.  :set filter \.c$ will only show the .c files in a d
		:nofil[ter] removes the name filter and shows all files.
		:fil[ter]  resets the name filter to the last pattern.
		:in[vert] toggles back and forth between showing the files not matching
			the name filter pattern, and files matching the pattern.

		A filter can also be set as a :com
			:com myfiles set filter \.c$  will set the :myfiles command to show
			only .c files.

		:sp will split the current vi with the selected file.
			the current vi is the highlighted notebook tab.
		:sp number will split the vi associated with number with the selected
		:b will load the selected file into the current vi.
		:b [number] will load the selected file into the vi associated with that 
		:vs will vertically split a vim window with the file.  This only works
			with vim6.0

		:pwd or :pw will show the full path of the current working directory 
			in the status bar.

		If you have more than one terminal open on a notebook page you can move 
			between the different terms by clicking on the term with the mouse or 
			by using the following:

			<alt>w  j  moves down one term
			<alt>w  k  moves up one term

			<alt>w  n  creates a new term running sh
			<alt>w  m  will lookup the word under the cursor with a program that 
			can be set from the configuration dialog.  The default program is man.


	Ctrl+ C will return vide to normal mode.


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