xaizek / stic (License: MIT) (since 2018-12-07)
Simple Tests In C with optional automatic test registration in C.
Commit eeac9770270496ed75f6773afffa04c821177932

Fix %d => %u in stic's printf() calls
Found by cppcheck.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2015-06-01 15:20
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2015-06-23 16:55
Parent(s): 3cf7c126d23902a08359398fd1836299d69bf9c3
Signing key:
Tree: 4a6a53a6c691d04725c95c437cc409b5ecb128c5
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/stic.c 2 2
File src/stic.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 1940128..c74cf25)
... ... void stic_simple_test_result_log(int passed, char* reason, const char* function,
167 167 } }
168 168 else else
169 169 { {
170 printf("%-30s Line %-5d %s\n", stic_current_test, line, reason );
170 printf("%-30s Line %-5u %s\n", stic_current_test, line, reason );
171 171 } }
172 172 sea_tests_failed++; sea_tests_failed++;
173 173 } }
... ... void stic_simple_test_result_log(int passed, char* reason, const char* function,
181 181 } }
182 182 else else
183 183 { {
184 printf("%-30s Line %-5d Passed\n", stic_current_test, line);
184 printf("%-30s Line %-5u Passed\n", stic_current_test, line);
185 185 } }
186 186 } }
187 187 sea_tests_passed++; sea_tests_passed++;

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