xaizek / stic (License: MIT) (since 2018-12-07)
Simple Tests In C with optional automatic test registration in C.
Commit 5c27f2f9add0053840500c9b7459d5f9b1270a16

Bump stic version to 0.6

* Display number of failed checks in tests on fail
* Display <setup...>/<teardown...> on failures there
* Display number of failed tests
* Display number of skipped tests
* Use singular "check" for 1 failed check
* Write "1 test run" (not "tests")
* Don't capitalize stic label in test's output
* Always print test suit name in output
* Drop extra empty line from output


* Make test failure report compiler-friendly


* Use rand() (not random())


* Skip test fixtures without checking every test
* Don't run {setup,teardown}_once when no tests were run


* Make stic work when tests are defined with suite
* Fix skipping test header
* Fix qualifier inconsistency for one variable
* Fix buffer overflow
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-11-15 20:26
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-11-15 20:27
Parent(s): b26fea59ef8f4f6dc85fb67ebe0ec8b857eb2197
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 9a8be94d241197f65d59f038b4719a0510065771
File Lines added Lines deleted
README.txt 3 3
src/stic.h 1 1
File README.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 9dabdba..10ec795)
1 1 Stic -- Simple Tests In C Stic -- Simple Tests In C
2 2010 -- 2016 (based on SeaTest)
2 2010 -- 2018 (based on SeaTest)
3 3
4 This file last updated: 13 July, 2017
5 Version: 0.5.2
4 This file last updated: 15 November, 2018
5 Version: 0.6
6 6
7 7 Brief Description Brief Description
8 8
File src/stic.h changed (mode: 100644) (index 6f6a1f8..b6e55fa)
12 12
13 13 /* Global data. */ /* Global data. */
14 14
15 #define STIC_VERSION "0.5.2"
15 #define STIC_VERSION "0.6"
16 16 #define STIC_PROJECT_HOME "https://github.com/xaizek/stic" #define STIC_PROJECT_HOME "https://github.com/xaizek/stic"
17 17 #define STIC_PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE 100000 #define STIC_PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE 100000
18 18

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