xaizek / stic (License: MIT) (since 2018-12-07)
Simple Tests In C with optional automatic test registration in C.
Commit 49fb7f4af25094e504467c73d0e6480c037e1906

Update TODO file
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2017-09-03 17:16
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2017-09-03 17:16
Parent(s): a2d0e6b4738a7bf559781369319e819690a1575d
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 998088f4bcc790945dafb1604069f33f6b851bfc
File Lines added Lines deleted
TODO.txt 1 6
File TODO.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 2277b70..93d1d25)
1 * Make error messages vim-friendly (special flag).
3 1 * Better command-line parameter names and parsing: * Better command-line parameter names and parsing:
4 2 - Don't silently ignore unsupported options. - Don't silently ignore unsupported options.
5 - At least -h for help.
3 - Add at least -h for help.
6 4
7 5 * Add more useful asserts: * Add more useful asserts:
8 6 - assert_string_empty() - assert_string_empty()
9 7
10 * Remember test name for asserts and error messages so nested functions don't
11 mess up the output.
13 8 * Convert all files in the repository to *nix line endings. * Convert all files in the repository to *nix line endings.
14 9
15 10 * Quiet mode: print nothing, but errors. * Quiet mode: print nothing, but errors.

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