xaizek / stic (License: MIT) (since 2018-12-07)
Simple Tests In C with optional automatic test registration in C.
Commit 098671d7253465848cfe0060ab944f16f7c1b16d

Add empty line after list
Only if list is empty.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2015-06-23 15:06
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2015-06-23 17:02
Parent(s): f9812594adaa7c725a837d6a517259bb81363406
Signing key:
Tree: 8e1e55d0fbce3643c0c75d2b82e34cd54a5ddc55
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/stic.c 9 1
File src/stic.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 18e209f..2433c83)
... ... void stic_test_fixture_start(const char filepath[])
386 386
387 387 void stic_test_fixture_end() void stic_test_fixture_end()
388 388 { {
389 const int nrun = sea_tests_run - stic_fixture_tests_run;
390 const int nfailed = sea_tests_failed - stic_fixture_tests_failed;
390 sprintf(s, "%d run %d failed", sea_tests_run-stic_fixture_tests_run, sea_tests_failed-stic_fixture_tests_failed);
393 sprintf(s, "%d run %d failed", nrun, nfailed);
395 if(nrun != 0 && (nfailed != 0 || stic_verbose))
396 {
397 printf("\n");
398 }
391 399 stic_header_printer(s, stic_screen_width, ' '); stic_header_printer(s, stic_screen_width, ' ');
392 400 printf("\n"); printf("\n");
393 401 } }

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