Commit 72252be6da8ce4b7b989023c203564a9c3589bae

Allow constructing ColorTree from wchar_t[]
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2022-06-24 21:47
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2022-06-24 21:47
Parent(s): 70839cc630a4d994f14b47392d981888eb37c3d1
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 37df72a20856536df130179a7a57475a69a774f4
File Lines added Lines deleted
ColorTree.hpp 3 0 1 1
File ColorTree.hpp changed (mode: 100644) (index 38502ed..6ae0c7d)
... ... public:
145 145 template <std::size_t N> template <std::size_t N>
146 146 ColorTree(const wchar_t (&text)[N]) : text(text, text + N - 1) ColorTree(const wchar_t (&text)[N]) : text(text, text + N - 1)
147 147 { } { }
148 // Constructs a leaf node with text specified as `wchar_t` array.
149 ColorTree(const wchar_t text[]) : text(text)
150 { }
148 151 // Constructs a leaf node from text specified as `std::array<wchar_t, N>`. // Constructs a leaf node from text specified as `std::array<wchar_t, N>`.
149 152 template <std::size_t N> template <std::size_t N>
150 153 ColorTree(const std::array<wchar_t, N> &text) : text( ColorTree(const std::array<wchar_t, N> &text) : text(
File changed (mode: 100644) (index 3c43180..35706b7)
1 **libcursed**, _2019 -- 2021_
1 **libcursed**, _2019 -- 2022_
2 2
3 3 _This file last updated on 29 December, 2021_ _This file last updated on 29 December, 2021_
4 4

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