xaizek / gcc-plugins (License: GPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Some GCC plugins (actually only one was uploaded so far, and its functionality is not unique).
<root> / inc-tree / README.md (02e6c03e01261cdaa62c67f048fe5b956cd8a9b1) (1,456B) (mode 100644) [raw]
_inc-tree, 0.1, 2015_

### Brief Description ###

The purpose of this plugin is to display tree of includes per compilation unit.
With its help one can answer from which place some particular include comes

*Turns out there is already `-H` option for that.*

### Supported Environment ###

Tested with GCC 4.9.3, should work with 4.9 and maybe with newer versions.

### Prerequisites ###

* C++11 compatible compiler.
* GCC installation with plugin support.
* GNU Make.

### Building ###


### Usage example ###


g++ -std=c++11 -fplugin=./inc-tree.so test.c



### License ###

GNU General Public License, version 3 or later

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